Wie ist die Wirkung von LSD in sehr hohen Dosen?


Ich nehme normalerweise immer so zwischen 150 mikrogramm und 400 mikrogramm. Ich habe entschieden demnächst 900 zu probieren. Werden die Halluzinationen viel stärker sein als bei der üblichen Dosis? Und was wird/kann sonst noch anders sein?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Of a (more than) doubling of the highest dose taken so far is urgently advised! It is not possible to conclude from the experiences with 400 μg the possible experiences with 900 μg. It is necessary to touch.

General: It is expected to have more and more pronounced effects and side effects.

On the Effect Index page, the various effects are individually eye-listed, described and partly tried to explain. You can also find information about the “level”, i.e., variously intense expressions of the effects. However, no specific dose indications, because this – as always – is a very individual thing. Look here: https://effectindex.com/effects

You can find many general information about the possible effects and side effects as well as the known risks associated with consumption here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

2 years ago

That’s a lot too high. If I didn’t do anything, I’d kill you. A bath trip on LSD is really nothing you need.

2 years ago

This can lead to a very bad trip. Because the body does not know such a lot, it frightens itself and your thoughts become automatically dark. Last week, a colleague had a similar one, this trip was anything but pleasant. Grade though you’re alone is even life-threatening.

2 years ago
