Wie ist die Richtlinie für Straßenschilder?

Ich habe ein Bußgeld bekommen, weil ich in der Straße ohne Parkausweis geparkt habe. In dieser Straße steht aber kein Schild bezüglich. Muss in jeder neuen Straße, auf die man fährt, neue Straßenschilder als Beschilderung stehen? LG

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6 months ago

Sign 314 would have to be repositioned in each street.

Sign 314.1. This applies until one end of the parking zone is reached.

6 months ago


I accept your response to my request that you be accused of having parked without a parking card at the following traffic sign:

The restricted prohibition of retention shall apply after: Appendix 2 no. 61 StVO, if not previously cancelled by other regulations, “until the next crossing or Opening on the same street side“.

According to your information, I assume that you have parked on the R. Street and that the traffic sign is already on the J. Street. The Authority probably sees the situation in such a way that the T.-M.-Str. opens from the left and there is a right-wing curve on the R.-Str. This assumption is also supported by the structural design of this site. In this case, the accusation is entitled, since there is no opening on the right side.

If the situation is interpreted in such a way that the T.-M.-Str. passes straight into the R.-Str. and the J.-Str. opens, the stop ban would end at this point. However, if necessary, a court must determine which variant applies if you object.

6 months ago
Reply to  Vanestle

Interesting. And even if the sign continues without repetition, it makes sense to set it up again, simply to avoid misunderstandings.

6 months ago

It is also possible to identify zones (inhabitant park zones, zones with paid parking,…). Then it is only necessary to be signposted at each access to this zone. That would be very unusual. Probably there are signs, and you just missed it.