Wie ist die Beziehung zu eurem Vater?
Moin, gerne Antworten mit Geschlecht und Alter.
Ich bin W21
In meiner Umgebung sind eigentlich alle ohne Vater oder mit einem scheiß Vater aufgewachsen.
Ich frage mich ob dass Vielleicht ein Generationen Ding ist? Also alle Väter der Gen Z Generationen? Oder waren Väter allgemein schon immer eher unzuverlässig und nicht bereit für Kinder?
Ich finde diese Erkenntnis wirklich erschreckend das ungelogen ALLE meine Freunde, entweder ohne Vater aufgewachsen sind oder halt eben mit einem scheiß Vater. Ich kenne niemanden, der etwas gutes über seinen Vater zu sagen hat.
Wie sieht es bei euch aus? Welches empfinden habt ihr?
I (born 1963) had a good relationship with my father in later years, from 1980.
To my children I had and have a relaxed relationship, rather older counselor than imminent respect person. In the youth years of our children we were always “full house” because in fact all the friends and friends were with our children, on the grounds that “eure parents are much cooler than ours, you do not know how lucky you have”.
This has been preserved until today, some of the young people already have their own children and visit UNS, not our children, who are mostly already extinct.
I had to raise my father by myself because my mother died early. We then moved to Germany and the problems started. As soon as I was at school, so at the age, he started working. My aunt was in the house at that time and was mostly taken care of. That’s what happened to my whole childhood. The only parent I had was just working, even though I needed him. The relationship was so until 18/19 was very tense, just because when he was there he was only mocked with me or mixed up in themes, wanted to ban me things etc. He missed my childhood, though he could have been there.
Meanwhile we have spoken out. I’ve all banged him to the head of the world and he’s apologised and now he’s supporting me so well.
In my circle of friends it is 70/30 who have a good father. He takes care of or with whom my friends have better ties. The others are mostly divorce children where the father had no interest in the child. That’s a shame.
No, I’m not. Sure, he’s strict, but he loves us (Mama+3 children) very doll. He allows us everything, let’s just ask for it, let’s behave well and have good grades at school (we don’t get bad grades). When I experience riot, he’s always here and has an open ear. I can also philosophize with him. But if I’ve built crap, he’ll be very strict, but over the limits he’s gone NIE, and I’ve “deserved” because I was wrong.
Gen X here. Many of Gen Z from my social environment have an intact parental home or continue to contact both parental parts
I really love my dad and we have a very good relationship.
I could imagine that your experience might be a little related to the environment, even if you only know that with acquaintances. I would not have noticed in my environment that parents were disproportionately bad or absent. I’m coming from the village.
My friends also come from the village, there are bad fathers. Nice. But I’m very happy that you have a great relationship with your dad 🙂
I grew up with a great father. Sure, there are some things that bother me a little bit, but in the end he’s a good father. :
For example, he used to play some games with us and we still have a lot of fun with each other and usually understand us very well.
LG Zitro 🍋
This is not only the problem of a generation, but also the programme of politics. People who grow up in more vulnerable family situations and thus become deficient are more dependent on external (state) offers. This dependency improves the control possibility from the outside.
Actually, my friends are from all social strata. Luckily, all our mothers did a super job and we all have a job and training. The ones used longer than the other, but we did. I would even say that we have done more in no time than children who have grown up in a “perfect” family constellation. We had to fight more and quickly become “adult”.
On the one hand, I’m totally sorry to read that. On the other hand, I know that you can get rid of the “follows” yourself if you want – and you can do it differently with your own children.
These fathers (and sometimes even mothers) apparently did not manage to resolve their own inner conflicts. I wish you, your friends and your children, that you can do it!
P.S. Eyes on the partner selection!
Good question.
Fathers took care of…
It wasn’t at home in childhood.
But the mothers came in to protect us.
That’s why I was more mutti fixed.
How the relationship was. It’s hard to estimate.
I grew up with a father. But…
The relationship with my father was bad.
He was ungrateful and aggressive.
m, ü40
Crazy, in my surroundings all grow up with great fathers. Only I pulled the A**card.
Got a violent narcissist as a father who tyrannizes me and my family. Therefore, one can imagine that our relationship is not so tingling. I don’t consider him my father. Only if only with reluctance, as my producer.
Did you say Gen Z?
My father is Gen X
How young are they please?! 🤯
I don’t mean that the fathers belong to Gen Z, but the children haha. My friends and I are all Gen Z, and we also all pulled the AMap as regards the subject of fathers.
Sounds more logical. 😁
Well, no idea what’s going on. Maybe just “false” environment. In my environment, most of the great fathers have. Through these people I learned what a father really does.
I was always surprised how friendly and attentive a father can be. Fathers have time to play with their children and not beat them. Fathers don’t look at life and “adult movie” in their office.
I sometimes wondered whether these fathers always behave like that.
Of course I know “people”, a two from kindergarten time. I can no longer reflect today whether these were good fathers. Because I have no more contact with these people
You obviously know people at your age who have fathers. Then why the question?
Funny. As a child, I always found it strange when I was at schoolmates’ home and they actually had a real “pa”. Also that there are actually people who call a man “Papa”. I find this word, until today, mege strange and uninhabited.
This will be a coincidence with me. I live with my father and have a bad relationship with my mother, which is mainly her!!💀