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So far, I’ve been running this way:
Thank you. That’s very helpful.
Hello, relatively unspectacular!
Once a year, I’m with my urologist for precaution.
Procedure as follows:
Registration, pick up beaker for urine sample and put in the door in the toilet.
Then blood collection.
Wait a minute until doctor helper picks me up to the examination room.
There she prepares PC and I pull out underwear and pants and put me on the couch.
A doctor will taste testicles to make ultrasound testicles, asking how I feel about what hurts.
Then she pulls back foreskin and looks at penis and acorn.
Then turn to the side and scan with fingers in the Po Prostata.
Now put on T shirt for kidney ultrasound and again put short for bubbles ultrasound.
Finished, dress again and call 3 days later because of laboratory result.
The actual investigation may take 15 minutes.
Once had a urolog, the process was the same until I had to pull the pants down and pull them off with the urologist, which is actually more practical from the process. The pants are gone.
Was ultimately the same effect, you can last 10-15 minutes naked in front of doctor or doctor. Is there nix, they don’t look away.;-)
So don’t worry, it’s bad and it doesn’t hurt either.
Maybe for the first time something unusual to be so naked.
But you get used to it quickly.
That was simple:
At first I got a cup and had to spit in and put it in a compartment.
Then the doctor’s helper brought me into a room and should take me out before the doctor comes.
Doctor just spoke to me… then ultrasound… then everything looked… testicles and penis.
He explained everything to me when he was dressed.