Wie ist das Verhältnis zu eurer Mutter?
Wie ist das Verhältnis zu eurer Mutter ?
Seid ihr mehr so ” Freunde ” also locker, chillig miteinander
Oder seit ihr mehr so auf Distanz? Sie existiert, sie ist zwar eure Mutter usw aber emotional nicht so wie ” Freunde ”
Yes, by now. But Mama doesn’t care what happened
My mom’s my best.
How blasphemy together (yes I know you don’t actually do) ,we laugh about every shit,we have the same taste,we always start talking at the same time …
But, of course, there are also the moments where she really annoys me – and I probably also do it well, but well, hald is so.
She’s dead. So just relax.
My mother always tells me that mothers are like best friends for daughters, so I’d say that we’re moving on this level. Personally, I never understood how people can be distant to their parents.
I have a very good and easy relationship with my mother
We have a very good relationship and regular contact!
Usually once a week! Telephone stop!
Unfortunately, we only see 2-3x a year as we live 750km away from each other!
bad to none