Wie ist das 9€ Ticket für euch gewesen?

Heute(also wenn ich die Frage schreibe), ist der letzte Tag an dem das 9€ Ticket gültig ist. Ich möchte gerne wissen wie die Erfahrungen von anderen war, da ich hauptsächlich positive Erfahrungen hatte. Jedoch habe ich auch wenig damit angefangen. Ich habe auch schon gehört das in bestimmten Teilen es viel zu voll wurde deswegen(was gut vorstellbar ist).

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2 years ago

I only used it very briefly, but the Tatsaceh that I could use with a ticket in several cities was already great! No more tariff jungle, no more looking where I need when which ticket is just great. Sure, 9 euros will not go permanently, but a permanently favorable ticket with simultaneous expansion of the offer could significantly reduce road traffic.

2 years ago

I just bought the ticket for fun and used only 1x. But it was cheaper than the regular price. But I don’t think it was a good idea. Because we have to pay a lot for it. The lack of revenue from transport operations is paid by our taxpayers. It would have been the money that cost it better to invest. I’d rather go by car. Buses and trains hardly deform for my regular routes and otherwise it would take too long.

2 years ago

I thought it was funny.

The buses were full.

And I used it a lot.

2 years ago

I would also accept a price of up to 30,00 € …

2 years ago

With me in the province, for example, I could not use it for driving to work anyway.

2 years ago

I was thinking about picking up the ticket, but then I didn’t surrender and I wanted to miss out on crowded trains.

2 years ago
Reply to  SoIid

This is called induced traffic.

2 years ago

Trains too full, someone else pays the remaining price. The taxpayer is asked to pay.

2 years ago

It doesn’t necessarily have to be 9 €, but the idea is good. Regional or short distances included all year 50 €, bus and tram.

Would be such an idea. I can’t say whether this is the case, as there are various transport companies. But where a will is, there is also a bush.

2 years ago

I didn’t use it. I don’t drive at all or only very rarely with Öffis.

Make almost everything with wheel.

I thought it was good. That would have to go a lot more in that direction.

2 years ago

So we in Austria have more expensive regional trains and high speed trains with us are usually not overcrowded but I find the 9€ ticket could be more expensive but I have no idea how good and punctual the regional trains (or whatever the hots😂) and whether it would pay out as much as 80 km with 18€ with you as it is so often nice for me this is already paying out because our trains are very good.

can answer me jmd how your regional trains are

But in Austria this would go with 9€ never again there would have to cost 70 or so.

2 years ago

It was just a holiday present and not more.

Zero comma zero has been improved at the ÖPNV.

2 years ago

I used the savings on my monars ticket to refuel and drive with the bike