Wie inhaliert man genau Butangas aus Deos?
Wie oben schon steht. Ich hätte gerne gewusst wie und wie lange man Deo inhalieren muss und ob es dann eine entspannende Wirkung hat oder nicht. Und bekommt man davon große Pupillen? Also wird man davon eher stoned oder high?
Würde mich freuen wenn jmd schon Erfahrung hat 😊
What effects occur depends on how much one poisons it. There is an acute risk of life From consumption is urgently advised
If you want to talk to professionals about your consumption, this is easily possible. The advice is completely confidential, you are not obligated to anything and you don’t cost it. Maybe helpful: https://mindzone.info/beratung/
Also here on the platform are consultants who can talk about this. For example:
You play with your life. A tiny little train too much or too deep, and you’re already fainting.
I know that I had already tried it before, but it showed no effect, so I thought I was doing something wrong
Read 12 years.
Therefore, do not expect answers to drug users.
Read the link “Deo-Challenge”: Experts warn against deadly danger – ZDFheute
I know that here is also younger than I read and I know that you can die from it, but I still wanted to know. I’m 14
You could ask your parents.
Or your teacher.
Move your drug use modifications until you’re 18 or at least out of puberty.
And then look for substances that do not cause such an ugly death as Deo.
My parents or teachers shouldn’t know about it, and I assume that they aren’t connected with it.