Wie höre ich mit Nikotin/Vapen auf?
Ich glaub dass davon die Antriebslosigkeit kommt.
Gibt es da irgendeine Therapie/ Nikotinpflaster oder einfach das Nikotin im Liquid verringern mit der Zeit.
Nur weiß ich nicht ob ich das wirklich grad will. Ich dachte ich krieg mehr Kopfleistung durch Nikotin aber scheint wohl nicht so.
I thought I could get more head performance through nicotine, but I don’t seem like thatThat’s not true. Nicotine KANN has a concentration-promoting and stimulating effect, but do not always do it. But “drivelessness” is actually not an effect that nicotine triggers.
If you’ve never smoked before and have been taboo-dependent, there is no need to gradually sneak the nicotine. And replacing it with nicotine patches also makes no sense, because they do not work a bit differently than the nicotine in an e-cigarette – the nicotine only comes into the body differently. Leave the nicotine completely away and steam without further and see if it’s better for you.
Hello Ramzy,
Just stop…
If you have never smoked and only steamed, a nicotine pampering is not necessary. Nicotine in pure form, as is present in the liquid, does not lead to dependencies. This also applies to the NET products (nicotin replacement therapy products) such as nicotine sprays, nicotine plasters, etc…
Here you should always differentiate between smoking and steaming…
This can be excluded. The natural mode of action of nicotine is more contrary.
The natural mode of action of nicotine is as follows.
Positive aspects of nicotine:
Negative aspects of nicotine:
Nicotine has significantly more positive properties than harmful or negative. In smoking, however, due to the extreme harmfulness of smoking, the positive aspects of nicotine do not fall into weight.
Because you don’t get married. You could steam even without nicotine. nicotine becomes (normally) only from before. Smokers needed and used for the changeover so that the changeover does not lead to any withdrawal symptoms. As steam progresses, tobacco dependence built up by smoking gradually decreases. That’s what’s going on with you.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
Stop smoking is a good idea! There are some things that helped me:
– No last smoking –> generally try to stop when you make a bad experience with smoking. This does not help to smoke again.
– Limiting the possibilities of temptation –> Did all my things go away and give my sister so I can’t just take what.
– determination
At some point, I had no more desire to smoke. However, it took a while. Wish you good luck! LG
Pure willpower, everything else is bullshit
The problem is I don’t know if I appreciate enough value to do something good and stop.