Wie hoch sind momentan die Anfangskosten für eine Katze?

die frage geht eher an leute die sich vor weniger Zeit eine Katze zugelegt haben, da ich es momentan nicht einschätzen kann. Dazu zählen für mich die Grundimpfungen. Eine Kastration würde ja zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt stattfinden, aber auch da wären die Preise interessant. Ich habe bereits eine Katze und würde natürlich lieber eine 2. aus dem Tierheim holen. Da allerdings momentan keine passt und ich jemand kenne der dringend seine Katzen abgeben möchte, frage ich mich wie viel es zu beginn kostet.

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1 year ago

After the cost of vaccination and castration, you should ask your veterinarian. He can tell you exactly what he wants.

It’s not just what you want to inoculate everything (Tollwut would be completely superfluous with a pure apartment cat, for example) and whether a cat or a cat is cast. In addition, veterinarians on the basis of the charge order can calculate up to three times the rate and also mix it. One then asks for a vaccination of the simple sentence, the other picks up the maximum, but is again mocking at the castration. The veterinarian on the Saxon village, of course, also depreciates significantly more favourably than in Munich Schwabing. This already distorts a price comparison. That’s why I’d rather ask directly.

Otherwise, you only have the investment in an additional bowl and a cat increased need for food and cat litter. Maybe a second transport box.

1 year ago

The price of the cat and that of the scratching tree are of course different. You can determine them. For the basic equipment and the first veterinarian visit, 100 euros should be sufficient. Of course, depends on the luxury you’re looking for. You don’t need a hand-painted fress bowl. However, as you already have a lot of things through the first cat, the vaccination will probably only fall into weight, with about 20 Euro + 25 Euro treatment fee.

1 year ago

The vaccinations were about 100€. If you already have a cat, you’ll have everything else. Much more comes then eig. not to it, food will of course be a little more. Depending on whether you buy expensive or cheap, it is noticeable.

1 year ago

Veterinary with vaccinations about 200€