Wie hoch sind Gebühren maximal wenn eine Abbuchung vom Bankkonto durch Paypal nicht erfolgen kann weil Konto nicht gedeckt ist?
Wie hoch sind Gebühren maximal wenn eine Abbuchung durch Paypal vom Bankkonto (Sparkasse) nicht erfolgen kann? Lieben Dank.
Your bank’s repayment fees are less than €10 because:
PayPal makes a debit attempt, and if it fails, then still a single others.
And if he fails again, their collection service will KSP and you don’t really want to.
You can also do the following:
Click: How can I deposit money on my PayPal account?
It might also be that you need to add a credit card to ensure future payments.
You can also call PayPal customer service; they have very friendly staff who like to help you:
0800 – 7234500 or 069 – 945189832/ Mo.- Sat. 9:00 to 19:30
This is also interesting:
Click: Getting Started
Oh, yeah, you’re hopefully Yearly, right?
If the account isn’t enough money, you shouldn’t pay on this way or provide sufficient coverage beforehand.
Not so much.
Each bank decides for itself and is to be read in the bank’s price performance directory. And no, the amount is flat-rate, not percentage, and I know it is somewhere in the single-digit range.
Just in the same situation…
I don’t know, but I hope they’re not high
Hope above all that it is not percentage €1,000…
May I ask how this could happen to you
Read my detailed answer and make sure better for prompt Account coverage.
Boaaa when I read the answer is the Pure Fear drove me through the body. I’m under $70 in minus. I don’t get salary until Thursday at the latest, I don’t need to ask first and I can borrow nowhere. Do you think I’m lucky and it’s until I’ve done money?
Could fit, but also depends on when the debt exists and whether PayPal has already debited.
Guys, that’s not fun:
PayPal is (not only) a payment service provider, but an international bank, and this can also give you a Schufa entry, which may have consequences for your further life.
Good luck!
This is in the price of your savings bank’s service directory.
Since there are over 300 different savings banks in Germany with their own models and fees, one cannot answer the question.