Wie hoch sind die laufenden Kosten bei einem Pony?

Ich habe jetzt einen Finanzierungsplan zusammengestellt mit dem ich dann in einem Jahr die Kosten für das Pony und Zubehör zusammenhätte. Aber die laufenden Kosten eben nicht und ich hab es schon so geplant dass ich keinen cent mehr für irgendwas ausgebe und jeden Tag Zeitung austrage und mehr kann ich halt auch nicht machen. Meine Eltern werden mich unterstützen meine oma auch aber die können halt auch nicht alles übernehmen

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1 year ago

I’m so sorry – but the running costs are so high that what a young person can earn is hardly important. Besides, you would be overwhelmed with school, working and providing pony – a little time for horseback riding or even an ice cream with friends should actually stay…

Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Had a horse too early, and had to give it back because I was time, strength and nerve at the end, while it was still impossible for me to really do justice to the animal.

It is better to rely on school horses and riding interests when there is a responsibility that cannot be met with the best will. The disadvantages you have when you don’t have your own horse are much smaller.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urlewas

but something like that!

1 year ago

What are the current costs for a pony?

quite identical to that of a horse – in the case of a fodder, I might save myself. Otherwise, you will still need about 500 € per month + a few thousand euros on the savings book so that you can also pay the veterinarian in case of illness.

I’ve already planned that I don’t spend cent more for anything and spend newspapers every day

then your financing plan will not proceed. It’s impossible to spend a cent for nothing, and if you’re wearing newspapers then you’re probably still a child and just earn too little to afford you a horse permanently. as soon as an unexpected output comes you have a problem

My parents will support me my oma but they can’t take over everything

Adults have to bear a lot of the costs – you can only pay a few small things with your money. If your parents are willing to give up a summer holiday, because the horse was more often sick in the year and now there is no more money for it? are they also able to give out excursions on weekends, otherwise the horse will remain too little time to move?

What I lack in your plan is also the time factor and that you reckon the burden for the rest of your family with pure

1 year ago
Reply to  Flammenjunges

you don’t hold it through, and it’s not enough,

1 year ago
Reply to  Flammenjunges

Great plan. You’re 13. A pony can accompany you for 25 years. Until you do a training, go full-time work(and it also depends heavily on your salary whether you can continue to afford a pony/pferd. Rent ect. do you have to pay) do you want to miss out on ALL? No ice cream, no outdoor pool, no cinema?

Experiences with friends at my time and friends of my children show that it won’t go well for long. Someday, social life was more important to them, teenagers.

Every unplanned little thing throws your finances together.

With all love for my children. We couldn’t have done that financially. Even then not when newspapers are posted(what do you deserve? Here are the good tours max. 80 euros and this is only from 18), which would have been saved. And who knows how much money you get? If it’s only 500 euros, you can spend your pony for a month. And then?

You should see it realistic, it won’t work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flammenjunges

I don’t have my pocket money and my confirmation money

Just do this and save until you grow up and have a job. then you have enough money for one-off costs for a horse and then you can hope that you can make enough money to live from your salary + a stake you can afford

never go shopping again with my friends in the city

So you’re going to join your friends, and while they’re making an ice cream, don’t you buy one? you drive 30km to the next city by bike (bus costs something) because you want to go away – and then you take a drink from your home (and stay in front of the bar while your friends are inside because you cannot take any drinks in the bars)

you will not have a cell phone until you grow up?

you would be socially total – and that is not worth a horse

1 year ago

How high the costs are exactly depends on how your pony is accommodated – open-plan or boarding house with box or on the meadow behind your own house?

In addition: veterinarian (vaccination and in case of illness), insurance (compulsory liability and possibly medical or surgical insurance), feed, forging.

You should expect 500 to 600 euros a month. If it’s an expensive boarding house, far above it.

1 year ago
Reply to  florestino

the veterinarian costs have exploded since the beginning of the year!

1 year ago
Reply to  Aylamanolo

Only moderately adapted does not suffice to create lucrative positions for TMFA. To be able to occupy any necessary place immediately.

1 year ago

The cost bears the person who buys the pony and this is not you, because you are not 18 years old.

There can only be one owner who is responsible for everything and Spoiler: He is not you either. You can’t even call a veterinarian under 18 years, or Hufschmied…

The running costs can be of 200-1000€ or more, depending on pony, stable, injuries, diseases, food, etc.

I have 3 horses and each one, although at the same barn, has completely different, running costs and not every month the same amount, sometimes more times less.

1 year ago

Even if it hurts – please put your dream on ice until you grow up and earn your own money…

I know what I write about:

Already in kindergarten age I renamed every horse hanger – my neighbor and I were already allowed to ride on the cold blood rod “Liesl” in the garden of the local big farmer…;)

Still today a horseshoe hangs from her over my “old” children’s room…;)

We all here cannot see into the future…

What if the pony has to go to the clinic:

  • Colic, surgery, injury, bone fracture etc…?

What if it – possibly – requires expensive drugs, e.g.

  • in Cushing, Summer Ezem etc…?

All this can go quickly into the thousands…

What if you’re “grown” to the pony – where would you go with him?

What if other interests get in the foreground?

Friends, disco, studies, training – maybe a change of location?

I bought my first horse with 17 – it was in the stable where I worked as a horse nurse.

Paid with my savings – from confirmation, birthdays, Christmas etc…

But I knew 1000 percent that between my horse love and me no more sheet of paper would fit – and that I will never move away.

That is to say that no human partner could have brought me back to my horse…;)

Horses were – and are – my first great love, for which I was always ready to give everything!

Often it went to my financial limits – I never regret…

But I was also an adult – and I would advise you to become that before you meet this decision!

Good !

1 year ago

There are 500,000 questions here.

And always the same answers: Depends on – stable rent as a fixed amount, comes to region and infrastructure, riding lessons, rides, hoofing, vaccinations, … you can never predict that very accurately. Between 200 and 1000€ everything is certainly there – especially with a child, which then still needs a lot of lessons and the pony is getting rid of again and again.

Don’t build the future with your own pony. Search for riding interests.

1 year ago
Reply to  Punkgirl512

Without having seen your answer before, I have set the same price range;)

1 year ago

How do you want to spend 10000€ plus in a year with a newspaper?

Can I see your cost plan/financing plan?

A box costs between 350-800€ (normal stables are set up my limits) monthly.

Plus volunteer for you 600€

Plus running costs 300€ monthly.

1 year ago

Whether horse or pony, it can cost up to 1000 € monthly.

Let’s take my current monthly costs:

– stable rent: 320 €

– feed: 50 €

– Veterinary: 10 €

– hoofing: 60 €

– Osteo: 10 €

– Sattler: 30 €

– Dentist: 30 €

– Insurance: 30 €

– Reserves: 150 € (most likely to be much higher)

€700 each month.

And the stable where my horse stands is one of the cheaper ones.

1 year ago

It’s the best you can do for you not to get your own horse. Posting newspapers is enormously far away from the costs the attacks, even if you are supported. Wait a few years

1 year ago

Recree with an average of 400 € per month and then think about… in the end, the parents/grandparents will have to pay you ALL in the next few years, so you can still look so nice.
They really have to want to do this and, above all, can afford themselves loose, otherwise it just doesn’t.

1 year ago

Financial planning should be realistic.

Spending newspapers every day for one year and not spending a single cent is already something unrealistic.

Monthly, at least around the 250.-€ should apply for stable rent, feed and other necessary supplies. It’s probably going to direction 500.-€.

If the pony gets serious health problems, then there can also be $1,000 in a month.