Wie hoch sind die erträge von Brennnessel , wenn sie so viel Stickstoff im Boden haben , wie sie nur nutzen können , pro Hektar pro Jahr?
? Sind es 20 Tonnen Trockenmasse ? Meine den oberirdischen Teil .also Weizen hat 6 Tonnen Stroh und 8 Tonnen körner , körner sind aber hochwertiger als Stroh .
What is that important for? Anyone who has available land can cover their own needs for Brennessel without great effort. In addition, there is also plenty of combustible in nature.
The supply of fuel tanks is thus provided without it having to be grown industrially.
Well, if one uses it in the big as animal feed but not animal feed, not ? In Scandinavia, Brennessel is considered a valuable cattle feed .
Oh! I don’t eat animals, so I didn’t have it on the screen.
I have heard the yielded dry matter, do not know whether root is included, are 3 to 12 tons, but with much nitrogen you can achieve higher yields, would be interesting
To tear the roots out would be pretty stupid!
I don’t know. Mine is all year round. Last autumn, I removed the nettle roots from a high bed. There will be no more coming this year.
OK, there are also the one-year-old Brennessel I thought
New nettle comes out of nettle root every year. When you get the angers out, you turn them out.
I now reaped the new shoots in the spring, later in the autumn the seeds and when I divert the nettle, they’ll be driving out briefly again. Then I have fresh shoots for harvesting.
I’ve also noticed when I pick up Triebe that two new ones appear. How well this works depends on the rootstock and it takes a few years to develop well.
I only learn this through observation and treat my wild herbs with reverence, protect and care for them.
They could also be used as cattle fodder, or ?