How much tax do I have to pay on my part-time job in Germany?
I have a main job and am in tax bracket 1 because I'm single. I want to take on a second job on my days off. The question now is, how will this part-time job be taxed? Which tax bracket will I be in?
Do I pay very little tax for the mini-job or do I have to declare it with my main income in tax class 1 when I file my tax return?
Or is the mini-job only taxed at 6% as a thank you from the tax office because I make an extra contribution?
The mini-job is taxed by the AG in a flat-rate manner!
In the case of a mini-job, the employer usually takes over the charges. A ‘normal’ side job is taxed according to tax class 6.
minijob is also a next job?
If this is a mini-job (currently up to 520 € per month) then you do not pay any charges and do not have to specify this money in the tax return.
A minijob is one if the payment for it does not exceed 520 € per month.
> normally employed
It should not be abandoned, but the taxation should be regulated in the employment contract.
A minijob has no levies, which are taken over by the employer on a flat-rate basis.