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Do you think the odds are that you’re sitting in the plane when he crashes and you’re going on it?
first is extremely unlikely because the journey to airport is more dangerous than the flight itself. Even if you say we live in Gießen and fly from Frankfurt to New York with the flyer, it is more likely that you will be crushed by a semi-trailer on the A5 in the congestion than to crash with the flyer.
Second, it just depends on how that thing comes down. Let’s think of the German Wings crash 7 years ago or so, there is the probability of 0 to survive. Let’s think about the emergency landing in the Hudson River, which can also be called a crash, because every landing is a controlled crash, it is 100%
I would say about 50% are realistic. i.e. about half of all passengers / crew members are on a crash.
More people die at home on the sofa than on flights.
How high is the probability to die in a car that drives against a wall at 250 km/h?
Faith so great is not the difference.
depends on whether you sit inside or not.
The likelihood of being hit by a crashing aircraft is possibly low. 🤔😃
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