Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass man eine 6 auf dem Zeugnis bekommt wenn man 2 mal in der Mathearbeit eine 6 geschrieben hat aber trotzdem mitarbeitet?
Und anwesend ist und die Aufgaben im Unterricht bearbeitet und wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass man eine 6 auf dem Zeugnis bekommt?
Hmm, probability bill. Suppose the written and oral note have the same weighting, then you need an average of 5.5 to get another 5. That means your oral note should be better than 5. Depending on how exactly your teacher is, a 5+ or a 4-5 could be enough. The value range 1-4.5 comprises 3.5 values. The value range 4,5-6 includes 1.5 values.
The computational probability that you get a 6 is therefore 1.5 to 3.5 or different: 1.5 out of 5, that is 30%. However, the probability applies only if all oral notes are equally likely. If you have written a six twice, it is rather unlikely that your oral note is in the range 1-3.5. If you clip out the area, your chance to get a 6 to 1.5 from 2.5, so 60%.
So how high is the chance to get the 6 on the certificate if you are still involved in teaching and are present and the tasks in teaching are processed?
I wrote in detail: 60%
I think if you get good notes for your collaboration, you should be able to avoid a six. Whether it is enough for more than 5 is questionable.
I’d say pretty high. Presence brings nothing to the oral note and it would be worth the quality of cooperation, less to quantity.
Work and class work pay half each. Ask your teacher what grade you have for your work.
It depends on your teacher.
Pretty high.
If you are not continuously working well/ productively during the half year – relatively high.
I always work in class;)