Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ich angehalten werde?
Mache gerade einen 25er Mofa Führerschein aber wollte dann ein Roller mit 50ccm kaufen. Wohne direkt in der Stadt und wie hoch wäre die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass mit mit Mofa angehalten wird. Und was würde passieren, wenn ich nur mit Mofa Prüfbescheinigung auf einem 50ccm Roller erwischt werde??
Your question is factually wrong, because first of all there is no Mofa driver’s license – it’s just a test certificate and second also has a Mofa 50ccm, which means the engine’s engine’s displacement.
There are also Mofa scooters, which of course have 50ccm but only, like any Mofa, can drive 25km/h.
With the Mofa test certificate, you will drive a vehicle for which a driving licence is required, e.g. a 50ccm scooter, which is 45km/h fast, you inevitably fill the criminal record of driving without a driving permit.
Regardless of a sentence set by the court, it could cause problems if you want to make a driving licence.
And there are definitely not only problems if the FS wants to make a driver’s license!
You’re right, but I didn’t want to scare the FS.
Another beautiful Sunday and greetings
You did well! After all, we are here on GF, home of the Mimimis… You are also a beautiful Sunday!
First of all also for you: the Mofa or the Mofa scooter also has 50 ccm. If you are required to drive a 50 for class AM with the test certificate, you will commit a crime (travel without a driving permit). The probability that you will be stopped is relatively high. The difference in speed between 25 and 45 km/h can also be seen visually.
Hi, in the city, mofas and mopeds are often controlled.
First of all, you shouldn’t go on and watch the part get away.
Besides, that would be a crime. The first time, there can be a warning. Social hours would also be possible.
And there may be problems if you want to make a license.
You can drive the 50s if it is throttled to 25km/h.
There are no scooters with 25ccm, all mofa and scooters have so much space whether they go 25 kmh or 50 kmh. In addition, you make a test certificate that says that you can carry all two and three-wheeled vehicles up to 25 km/h, from the engine is nix.
You make a license for max. 25 Kmh and not a maximum of 25ccm. If your scooter has 50ccm and only 25km, it’s okay.
If he goes 50 Kmh, you have a driving without a driving permit which gets less fun.
Apply like an opa and drive like that; so keep the speed allowed. That’s how it works.