Wie hoch ist die KFZ Versicherung eines Fahranfänger?

Wie hoch ist die KFZ Versicherung eines Fahranfänger?

Stimmt es, dass man zwischen 18 und 25 nen sehr sehr hohen Betrag hat?

Was würde man mit 22 so zahlen?

Klar hängt auch vom Auto ab… aber wie sah es bei euch aus?

Hab mal aus Interesse bei Check24 nachgeschaut und mir wurden Versicherungen für 950 bis 1.350 Euro pro Jahr vorgeschlagen. 950€ waren die billigsten.

Ist es normal, dass es so teuer ist? Oder liegt es hauptsächlich an dem Auto?

Bei dem 2. Auto wurden Versicherung vorgeschlagen, die mindestens 780 bis 1.300€ gekostet haben. Bei dem 2. war die Versicherung also um 170 Euro billiger… aber rund 800€ pro Jahr finde ich jetzt auch nicht wenig.

Laut Google zahlt der durchschnittliche Deutsche rund 350€ für ne Teilkasko Versicherung. Mein Beitrag wäre um 250% teurer.

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2 years ago

Is it true that between 18 and 25 you have a very high amount?

That’s right. As a beginner, you have a bad damage-free discount (SF) and pay the full amount of insurance or even a little more. The SF increases with an accident-free driving every year and the insurance amount becomes smaller. From the 8th year you pay only a quarter of the nominal amount of insurance. If you happen to have the A driver’s license and don’t get a car right away with 18, there’s a trick to improve the SF. Then you buy a scooter or a motorcycle with just a little over 125 ccm and assures for cheap money. You can then transfer the SF purchased with it to a car when you get one.

It also depends on the car… but how did you look?

Right. All cars are divided into type classes and statistics on the average damage these cars produced last year. The lower this is, the lower is the type class and the lower is the insurance amount. Typical catching noises or typical would-be sports drivers often have accidents and are therefore highly classified. For example, typically 3 BMWs are quite high. Extremely favorable are usually convertibles such as the Mercedes SLK or expensive luxury slides such as the Porsche Turbo, which cannot afford a beginner and which cause correspondingly rare accidents. In the subcass extremely expensive are expensive new cars, which like to be stolen, i.e. all from Mercedes, Audi, BMW or Porsche as well as all-wheel vans.

2 years ago

Attention, if you compare insurance in the KFZ range, you should always compare the 100% amounts and then calculate up. Currently, 200 % is not sure of this.

I started with 175 %, but that was 40 years ago.

Regional classes are also important, because the contributions can be very expensive.

So vehicle classification by risk assessment

Popular vehicles have higher registration numbers Reduce more accidents so risk higher = tyeurer

Regional class = is also different per vehicle.

Individual classification by accident-free insurance years etc.

With the right choice of vehicle, you can also save significantly money


2 years ago

What makes you use of what a “average German” pays. The sub-cass is determined by the type-class of the respective vehicle and it always remains at 100%. There is no SF discount.

2 years ago

Hey, if you like meld you just once and we’ll see if check – 24, or the personal comparison is better for you 😀


2 years ago

The group of “jungdynamic” male drivers up to 25 now statistically causes the most expensive accidents. (although often with Papas too high motorized vehicle)

2 years ago

This is because starters usually pay the maximum rate for insurance depending on the provider and tariff.

2 years ago

With me that was then received with 18 driver’s license and a few weeks later I was awarded 5er Golf gti.
And especially for starters, the VW’s are expensive in insurance, because of course, yes exceptionally, I have also counted to add GTi’s to start driving and jump them up to xxx hp and possibly ball into the next guide plank because they have no idea how to deal with 250-300 hp.
And such high sums are to deteriorate

but with me it was at that time (10 years ago)

VW 5er GTi Partkasko assures Huk24 every 3 months for almost 400€

2 years ago

“According to Google, the average German pays about 350€ for ne Teilkasko Insurance.”

That’s too much. I pay for liability insurance and partial insurance 480€/year.

What are you expecting from check24?

2 years ago

Let you make a few offers or compare different insurances online