Wie hoch ist denn eure Schmerzgrenze bei Grafikkarten?
folgende Richt-Preise sind veröffentlicht:
RTX 5070 650,-€;
RTX 5070TI 900,-€;
RTX 5080 1200,-€;
RTX 5090 2330,-€;
Es ist mir schon klar dass neue Technik immer teurer wird.
Aber ist das noch verhältnismäßig richtig,#
für ein Freizeitvergnügen?
But she shouldn’t. I mean, where is this going? If (especially Nvidia) now doesn’t let the church in the village with the prices, 4K gaming will soon be more expensive than a small car.
I paid over 800€ for my entire PC about 4 months ago (self-construction), the graphics card cost me 330€. Zocke in QHD and that’s enough for me.
For current hardware I was ready to pay €700.
I have the GPU for 3 years and I think 3 more will be the minimum
(Cocks currently but not at all on the computer)
I have a 4090 since release. And if I look at the tests this way, it’s 5090. nix other than a 4090ti. The great performance jump comes only through DLSS4 with multiFG. So you just pay for the feature. I’m absolutely out and stay at 4090 for the next 2-3 years.
Honestly speaking, there is no reason to cheer or to be shocked
These are completely normal prices for the respective classes, especially when considering inflation
My last graphics card the Radeon RX 7900 XT had cost me to release also 900€
Meanwhile I would no longer pay these sums since release of the Ps5 Pro I am completely back to the console
I didn’t want to pay more than CHF 500 for a new graphics card. I’ve already said that. Now my limit is 800 CHF.
Buying a 5070 is already a pain limit, because anyway ~700€ for a graphics card to climb out is already hard.
After all, this is saved to 2-3 months hard.
A 5080, too hard I find, let alone a 5090.
This buys people who really felt enough coal in their pocket and don’t have to worry about electricity billing.
The prices for graphics cards have long been in no proportion. I figured out not to play new games anymore.
Or stop Gamepass and co. Meanwhile, the streaming of games is relatively good as long as you don’t sit competitiv. Can be docked on any billo pc for 100€ or nem smart tv etc. How to Save Highend Hardware
over 2500 would I think out
This is a price class that is uninteresting for me at all
Unfortunately yes