Wie hoch ist das Krebsrisiko bei E-Zigaretten (Vapes)?
Viele sagen, dass es genau so schädlich ist ich halte das allerdings für Schwachsinn, da ich öfters gelesen habe, dass die 95-98% unschädlicher sind.
Viele sagen, dass es genau so schädlich ist ich halte das allerdings für Schwachsinn, da ich öfters gelesen habe, dass die 95-98% unschädlicher sind.
Worin unterscheiden sich denn die Rauchbestandteile von den Plastik-Mikropartikeln hinsichtlich der Toxität? Oder ist aus Erdöl hergestellter Kunststoff ein Nicht-Toxischer Stoff?
Hallo, Ist es sehr schlimm wenn ich eine Tablette vom Boden genommen habe? Sie war kurz aufm Boden? Werde ich jetzt krank? War meine letzte, sonst hätte ich nicht einschlafen können. Danke
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Hallo, ich habe ein Paludarium, ca 20-25 Liter. pH 7.5 Temperatur gerade auf 22.5 Grad. Hat ca 62 cm Kantenlänge. Ich habe darin Armanos und Kubotai. Ich wollte fragen, ob es irgendwelche kleinen Flusskrebse gibt, oder generell Krebse die man darin halten kann ich denke mal Pärchen Weise. Danke
Hallo, Bin vor eine Stunde aufgestanden und seitdem habe ich Probleme beim Atmen. Es fühlt sich so an, als ob ein schwerer Stein auf der Brust lastet und beim Einatmen ist es so als ob man Glas in der Lunge hat. Hinzu kommt noch ein Unwohlsein, Gangunsicherheit Übelkeit und ein starkes Krankheitsgefühl. Ich Tippe auf…
What cancer risk?
And yes, that is more harmless with the 95-98% and is proven.
this is NULL at NAHEZU, because steam is now not = smoking and because it is not possible that something is too low. 98% consists of non-health food additives and does not change during nebulization, even if it is intended to be just as harmful as something which, in addition to many others, already contains 80 carcinogens and 200 toxins alone.
Yeah, you’ve read it right there.
https://www.vapers.guru/2018/08/19/British Report-Ohrfeige-fuer-dampfgegner/
In short my experience:
I vacated about half a year. Had no specific brand throughout, but always different. After a few months of continuous vaping, I became very often sick in the bronch, neck, lungs and respiratory area or had inflammation. Then I had a almond inflammation and stopped right away. I personally think that Vapes are really very harmful. Since I stopped, I have no more complaints. You can’t tell exactly what’s in the things, because fakes are being sold to you, which you don’t know.
Cigarettes are at least tested and you can read what’s in there and what’s going on with you. The fact that ordinary cigarettes can get cancer is now clear to everyone because cigarettes smoke longer on the market and have been extensively researched. Vapes are new. Can you be seriously ill just as quickly as cigarettes.
Sorry, but what you DENKST is completely irrelevant. The earth is not a pane either, just because a few tits believe that. For health questions, FAKTEN alone counts.
I vacated about half a year. – Let me guess: this cheap Chinese disposable red? The things that SOOOO are utterly stuffed with aromas and Kolada, which is bad for you?
You can’t say exactly what’s in the things, – yes, you can…
you can read what’s in there No… on a cigarette box, it’s not up to what they’re panting all for additives in the tobacco and the paper and the filters… and what’s actually going to be found in the smoke after that, you don’t know 100%.
You can be seriously ill just as quickly as cigarettes. – no, it can’t, because the liquids consist almost entirely of substances which are safe from health and which are suitable for inhlation and do not change when nebulizing.
So at first: Upstairs is MY PROCEDURE. That means I’m NOT EXPERTIN. It’s just my experience and what I think about it. Of course, I’ve been dealing with the subject and with studies, but I still wanted to emphasise it again.
2tens: The questioner did not ask for a specific Vape brand. You don’t even know if he means the “cheap-china-one-way red”? And you don’t know what I smoked at the time.
I’m just saying that both are concerned. I said that I personally had to suffer from health damage.
The top is MY PROCEDURE – and I should also like to say that your approval does not matter here, because here are clearly and UNCWEIFELHAFT asks nothing but facts.
Of course, I’ve been dealing with the topic and studies, – I’m sorry I don’t believe you, but if you were busy with KRITISCH, you wouldn’t write such a nonsense here.
The questioner did not ask for a specific Vape brand– Right, you can’t assume that he means the same garbage you had consumed.
I’m just saying that both are concerned. – which is not true.
I said that I personally had to suffer from health damage. – who knows.
Is there no good study situation because there is too short to say that
If you see it realistic, Vape = Steam, means carbon monoxide, tar etc., you get out that you have to smoke
In the whole of E tilting, however, there are usually 100 chemicals in it, whether this is so healthy to move into the lungs is sometimes put there.
Basically, it is better than smoking, you assume that it is up to 95% less harmful than smoking
Is there no good study situation because there is too short to say that – wrong
But in the whole of E tilting, 100 chemicals are usually in it – nö…. in the normal case, this is clearly less than half and even the most complex tobacco aromas are far from “100 chemicals“.
something like diaetyl, acrolein, benzene, cadmium etc. is still mostly in and not just health-promoting
Study situation is not clear, there are studies that say is nevertheless very harmful, others say it would not be too bad
Whether 100 or 20 are in it now, but nix changes that it is not health-promoting, all except air does not belong to the lungs
Nevertheless, E tilting around worlds is better than tilting
If there is no health apostle, even for more than 12 years it has been depressed.
something like diaetyl, acrolein, benzene, cadmium etc– It’s NOT in there. Diacetyl is an aroma that has been banned for almost 10 years. Acrolein is only formed in tamperatures that are not achieved at all in the NORMALBETRIEB and benzene and cadmium??? Huh??
The study situation is not clear. – yes, the serious studies that are based on user behavior, instead of completely impossible scenarios
studies that say is still very harmful – that is then either bad work or badly evaluated work
Whether 100 or 20 are in it now does not change that it is not health-promoting – jein… for RAUCHER, E-cigarettes are healthy-wide-promoting, for non-smokers who aren’t at all as consumables, because it rebels that are relatively harmless and that refill them.
Nevertheless, E tilting around worlds is better than tilting – right:-)
Look here: https://vapoon.de/wie-harmlos-ist-die-e-zigarette/
Probably similar to Shisha
And you think XD?? They are as harmful as smoking, the substances are chemicals
They are as harmful as smoking – What do you think of a bullshit???
Sweetheart, if you don’t have a plan on a subject, you better get the answers instead of lying so stupid. From RESPEKT to the questioners alone! You don’t want to be fed with stupid prejudices if you ask a serious question.