What's the name of this war movie? (Escape, Church, Bible, Gun)?

I saw a movie on TV over 10 years ago and have been searching for the title for years to watch it again.

I remember that it was set in one of the two world wars in the past and accompanied two men on their escape. They posed as Christian ministers in a church to blend in and were also required to deliver sermons. During one of these sermons, one of the men read from his Bible to a huge crowd and had a bookmark with a pistol (as far as I remember) in it. I remember that the two men eventually made it across the border to their wives.

However, these are all vague memories, and I may not remember some parts completely correctly. Does this plot sound familiar to anyone? I would be delighted to be able to watch the film again.

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6 months ago

Is it really about prisoners of war? In some other points, the description fits “We are not angels”.

We are not angels (1989) – Wikipedia

6 months ago

“The life of the others” ?