Wie heißt dieser Film?

Hallo. Ich habe vor geraumer Zeit mal einen Film geschaut, der mir mega gefallen hat und den ich jetzt gerne nochmal schauen würde. Allerdings weiß ich nicht mehr wie er heißt. Und zwar geht es um einen superschlauen Mann, der verschiedene Leute ermordet, die am Tod seines Sohns beteiligt sind. Der Mann ist sauer, da der Mörder seines Sohnes damals keine Haftstrafe bekommen hat. Der Mann gibt der Polizei Hinweise, irgendwann findet die Polizei ihn dann, doch es war alles geplant vom Mann.

Danke im Vorraus!

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6 months ago

I don’t know Law of Revenge one, (Spoiler) only that the wife and daughter were murdered. Sounds otherwise according to your description.

6 months ago
Reply to  Lymphus

you just have to watch Sherlock Holmes… this is murder with style 😉

6 months ago
Reply to  Lymphus

Great idea, bad end. The end is a disappointment. Technically improbable, illogical, and in my opinion it spoils the whole character development, and gives away the chance of a much darker end with a more satisfying outcome.

Still, I liked the movie.

6 months ago
Reply to  DerPate17717

My dear Father 171777
I greet you with an airy “Grüezi” from Switzerland

The movie you write sounds like“Law is cause” of 2009. This thriller is about a man named Clyde Shelton, played by Gerard Butler, whose family is brutally murdered. When one of the murderers receives a mild penalty due to a deal, Shelton decides to take the right into his own hand. He starts a number of carefully planned retaliation measures against the judicial system and those responsible to take revenge for the death of his family.

I send you a delightful “Grüezi” from Switzerland

6 months ago
Reply to  Mastacrow

You’re too late. The questioner is not me either. 😅

6 months ago

Right. The film really starts well for this

6 months ago

What exactly, is there numerous adaptations? The old series? The movies of Guy Ritchie with RDJ or the series with Benedict Cumberbatch?

6 months ago

Evtl. One after another with Stellan Skarsgard and Bruno Ganz?