Wie heißt die Serieeee?
Hi, wollte gern das Intro von so ner älteren Serie anhören aber ich habe kein Plan wie sie heißt. (nie geguckt)
Aber die Hauptmerkmale sind 3 Frauen in weißen Kleidern, glaube es heißt auch irgendwas mit Angels.
Danke im voraus 😀
I found out myself:)
Lag likes my info, unfortunately, because it was the series “No Angels” with “Daylight in your eyes”
But thanks
The “No Angels” were a (right good) musical “Girl Group”…
How do you get the name “series”?
Even use in your last note You still have this name…
That’s how you misled us…
With the keywords “older series“3 women“and “Angels (= Angels)” leads this to the “3 Angel for Charlie” TV series. “Charlies Angels”…
And this series and also these 3 feature films are still worth seeing today.
Even if the “Mädels” actually not singing.
Ok, at least in one of the films already (once very short)… 🙂
Three Enel for Charlie.
Or a hospital series.
The series you describe could be “Three Angels for Charlie”1.It is an American television series from the 1970s, in which three women work in white dresses as detectives.
3 angels for charlie
We “old rabbits” really like to remember this series… 🙂
To complement the pure title of this series:
TV series (1976-81) and 3 clearly later feature films:
The old TV series is currently on public/legal channels “One”:
And legal Streaming providers of films and series can be found here:
Women in white dresses… probably a hospital series
St. Angela e.g.
or a US series?