Wie heißt die App für Volksbank?
Hallo, da ich nicht jedes mal zur Bank fahren möchte, wollte ich auf meinem Handy (Android) eine App für Volksbank runterladen.
Für mich geht es wegen Girokonto/Sparkonto, damit ich von der App weiß, wie viel Aktuell drauf ist. Und halt wegen Gehalt und Abbuchen, wenn diese auf der App zu sehen sind.
Vielen Dank 😉
VR Banking App, I also use it. You need to apply for online banking with your bank.
Do I have to consider anything at VR Bankkng App before?
Or do I have to go to the bank?
Online bank. I didn’t.
Best for the bank, the online banking must be requested. You will then get by post with the PIN for online banking, this must be entered once and you will then create your own password.
VR Banking App
the VR Secure go plus
Otherwise you can also register via the website
Do you have any access to online banking?
Thank you. I don’t have online banking.
I wanted to try the app directly.
So, then >>VR Banking App < < < < would be the right thing for Giro/Sparkonto or VR go plus?
You need the access data first, or this must be enabled at all. Turning off is probably online, look at your bank’s website, because there’s a certain guide, then you get the activation code sent (by post). Or go straight to your bank, they can help you.
The VR banking app is then the right one. The Secure go plus app is a possible TAN procedure if you want to overwhelm the app.
Thank you very much. Then I’ll go to the bank on the phone to help the workers there.