wie heisst dieser beruf im flughafen?
ich suche schon seit tagen den namen dieses berufes im flughafen, wo ein mann oder frau sich erstmal den reisepass angucken dann tickets geben und anschliessend den koffer auf dem band legen und weiterschicken.. wie heisst es??
the Lufthansa calls the profession “Service Agent Check-in”. On other airlines, it is called similar. For example, here:
https://www.be-lufthansa.com/fileadmin/fm-lufthansabe/PDFs/B9_2_Air passenger services/LH_D_ServAg_Checkin.pdf
Of course, you can also ask the employment agency or the IHK.
just looked at professions. Soilsteward also calls it, right? 😀
Hi, I don’t know. “Stewards” is only available on ships. On board, ladies and gentlemen are called “cabin attendants” or “flight attendants” and on the ground rather “service agents” or simply “ground staff”.
But probably we all mean the same.
Check-in service staff.
Please check out the ground personnel of airlines or just in customs.
What does the customs have to do with it??????
He controls the passports.
Service Agent
Thank you for looking.
Handling personnel