Wie heissen die günstigsten Filzstifte bei denen die Zeichnungen wie gedruckt aussehen?

Ich habe in Socialmedia mehrmals Zeichenvideos gesehen, in denen die Leute super Filzstifte benutzt haben. Die Zeichnungen sahen danach wie gedruckt aus. Ich finde sie aber nirgendwo. Wisst ihr wie sie heissen und ob es ein Set unter 100 euro gibt?

Schon mal danke für die Hilfe😊

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2 years ago

believe you mean copic marker or hold alcoholbased marker

cheap alternatives to copic brands are tavolozza dual tip marker, or ohuhu marker are both good (both on amazon)

2 years ago

I think you mean Alcohol Marker. Most of them use Copic Marker.
There are 3 categories.

They’re expensive. If you are unsure whether you want to buy the markers, I can recommend this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7f8vAMtCeo

If you don’t want such expensive pens, I can recommend Ohuhu Marker https://www.amazon.de/verdoppelt-Highlighters-Tragebag-Princisions/dp/B071R3XMWF/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1T3OKEW0DPZN4&keywords=ohuhu+marker&qid=1670338370&sprefix=Ohu732Caps2 The set costs 43,99€. The 0.55€ per pen.

Before you buy alcohol markers, you should inform yourself about the pencils. You need certain paper, have different tips and, and, and…

2 years ago

Whether a drawing “like printed” or how crocheted looks, it separates in the hand movement. There the pens can cost what they want, it is only better by exercise.

If you now think that there are pen series with very many color nuances, then you should look at Boesner, for example. Other artists’ needs also have which in the Sortiement.