What are these special cable ties for cars called?
Ideally, I'm looking for a pack of the different cable ties for the car.
I definitely need the ones in the photos, but I'm sure I need others too.
Does anyone have a link? Thanks.
Ideally, I'm looking for a pack of the different cable ties for the car.
I definitely need the ones in the photos, but I'm sure I need others too.
Does anyone have a link? Thanks.
Hello, I reassembled my moped after repainting it and connected the lights exactly as before. The bulbs are new. Why doesn't my light work anymore? I measured the current. There was power at the yellow arrow, but nothing at the black one. (Image) Maybe someone knows what the problem could be. Best regards
Hi, I have the following question: I'm looking for very specific rims for my future BMW E39. I saw some with a kind of rim blade on the outside that you could rotate, and those are the rims I'm looking for. I don't need a quote, just the name of the rims. I'm guessing they're…
Hello dear community, I was just about to start a game from my library when I got a message saying I still needed to install it. I have it on my connected hard drive. Yesterday, everything was working fine. I can also open all the videos and photos on the hard drive. What can I…
Good evening, Maybe someone has had a similar problem… I bought an AMD graphics card and since there is currently an AMD Rewards promotion, I was able to choose two games. Including Resident Evil 2 I signed up with AMD and selected Resident Evil 2, then logged in with my Steam account, and according to…
Aquarium Maker v1.0.0 on Scratch (mit.edu)
Hi, I'm looking for a sporty car for up to 30,000. If it's a bit more, no problem. It shouldn't be a GTI, i30n, or something similar, rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, petrol. I don't care about the horsepower, but the car should have a good 0-100 km/h (0-60 mph) and 100-200 km/h (60-120 mph)….
Bei Conrad gibt es was Ähnliches. Sozusagen ein Halter, der in eine Bohrung gesteckt wird und man einen Kabelbinder durchziehen kann.
Die Halter für die Kabelbinder gibt es Einzeln
Du musst unter KABELHALTER suchen, nicht Kabelbinder.
Such dir was aus:
Auto Clips Set kann man googlen.
Aber ich hätte gerne ein Set für Nissan wo alle Kunststoffnieten und -binder drin sind.
Wenn einer einen Link findet bitte senden. Danke