Wie heißen diese Schrauben?
Fürs PC Gehäuse
Ich würde gerne meine jetzige CPU upgraden da ich glaube das meine jetzige nicht wirklich genug Leistung hat für meine Grafikkarte. Ich habe im Moment eine Nvidia rtx 2060 und einen Intel I5-10400F. Hätte gerne wieder nen Intel Prozessor. Was wäre das nächst beste auf das ich upgraden sollte. Würde für die CPU so 150-200…
6-8h Onenote, also Schreiben und Handschriftliche Notizen per Stift. Der Akku hat 50 Wattstunden.. aber der 13900H ist ja denke ich mal nicht der sparsamste. https://www.notebooksbilliger.de/asus+vivobook+s16+flip+tp3604va+mc069w+847859?nbbct=6004&adid=687745569498&targetid=pla-2299940784445&device=m&cid=20949155227&agid=160677414671&pid=847859&kw=&kwmt=&kat1id=&kat2id=&gad_source=1
Pc1:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 – Intel Xeon CPU E3-1231 V3 3.40GHZ – 16GB RAM – 256GB SDD – Windows 10 Pc 2: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G 4/8x 3,9 GHz Radeon Vega 11 Asus Prime OC Windows 10 Radeon rx570 Grafikkarte Arbeitsspeicher 8GB, Hdd-Festplattenkapazität 1TB, SSD-Festplattenkapazität 240GB
Hallo, ich habe mir eben meinen Pc zusammengebaut. Der Pc läuft und die LEDs funktionieren auch. Das Problem jedoch ist, dass am Mainboard die Vga Leuchte dauerhaft rot ist. Die Grafikkartenlüfter drehen sich am Anfang hören dann aber auch auf. Nun weiß ich nicht weiter. Danke im voraus.
UNC Screws (US Fitted)
The #6-32 UNC screws are often used on 3.5-inch hard disk drives and the housing body to secure the covers.
The M3 thread holes are often found on 5.25-inch optical drives, 3.5-inch disk drives and 2.5-inch drives.
Main boards and other printed circuit boards often use a #6-32 UNC spacer.
#4-40 UNC knurled screws are often found at the ends of DVI, VGA, serial and parallel connections.
do they have?
Very likely NOT.
This is specially tailored to the PC area and is not a building market product.
Are you really the opinion that the question is about m3 screws?
Let’s not make a “doctoral work” out of it, go to a construction market and invest small 3 € for such screws here:
In the case of a non-compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Commission shall submit to the Council a proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.
here my measurement results, measure between the greatest distances from the imaginary center ^v (so between top and bottom)
Screw with inch thread: 3.3 mm
Screw with metric thread (M3) : 2,83 mm
If you call the one with the customs thread, between 3mm and 4mm, you will measure.
With me it was M3 counterhead screws with short thread.
How much mm do they have in running gears?
Why don’t you go to a computer store if you don’t need 100, they’ll give you some.
alternative screws that fit into the thread?
Cross slot screw with Whitworth thread or also inch thread.
You can see the thread pitch.
Yeah, I can. Unfortunately, you cannot add a picture in a comment. So I could show you how a similar screw with M3 thread looks.
Such screws, which are used in computers, I have mass, both with metric thread and with the inch thread. Who has worked with computers for years can then distinguish them.
How many do you need? If they live in Berlin, get me some.
Cross-slot screws with integrated washer