Wie heißen diese 12 Arten von Hubschraubern?
What do you have to take into account (including when entering the country with drones)? Thanks for your answers!
Hi, ein Kollege meint bei jeder Fluggesellschaft dürfe man extra Gepäck mitnehmen, deren Gewicht nicht zählt, wenn man es unter den Sitz packt, stimmt das? Er meinte ein Rucksack gehe z. B.
Hey, I'm starting high school now and have to decide on a new notation system. I'm a visual learner, so I can memorize things well if they're clearly presented in a diagram. But I can also memorize things just by writing on paper. Now I'm wondering if an iPad with a Paperlike film (or a…
So if there were about 3g of weed in there, well hidden in clothes, would customs discover it? How strictly and carefully do they check the suitcases? what would happen then? Or should I take it in my hand luggage? If so, how? purely theoretical questions of course =)
I'm 17 and in 11th grade, and I'm going to get a bad report card for the first half of the year. For several reasons, I don't want to finish the year, but instead want to do an FSJ (voluntary social year) for the remaining half of the year. I haven't told my parents yet,…
5) Double-rotor transport helicopter (e.g. Boeing-Vertol CH 47 Chinook)
6) Small helicopter (e.g. Robinson R22)
7) Load helicopter (e.g. Sikorsky Skycrane)
10) Alouette 2 o.a.
12) Senkrechtstarter (e.g. Bell-Boeing V22)
Aerial planes (possibly also aerial plane or rotor aircraft) are called aircraft which receive their lift by at least one rotor rotating about a vertical axis. The most famous representatives of this group of aircraft are the helicopters.