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In order to examine more precisely whether everything is okay between vagina and after, the female doctor can put a finger in the after. Not every investigation, but it happens. I had it in my life 3-4x. If he/she explains everything to you before and you stay calm and relaxed, it goes very fast and does not hurt.
Is there any tangible structure? I thought so far that a index finger ca. 8cm long and the bubble is in between!
The bubble between vagina and rectum? No, it’s on the vagina.
The doctor can thus make the dam and the vaginal back wall better buttons.
Normally, there are no direct relationships between the manual after examination and a medical examination. The female doctor can neither sense the sexual organs, nor any ill changes to it, nor a pregnancy by rectal examination.
Rather, this is a standard study of cancer prevention. In addition, further findings on the state of the closing muscle can be made.
It is different in the digital-rectal investigation.
Usually not at all.
Not at all
There is also no reason
Well, around the dam and the vaginal back wall to keys. It is sometimes absurd, for example, with suspicion of certain diseases or after operations, births etc.
Not at all. What is he doing?
not at all
Never. What do you think?
That’ll be clear when you look at the left
So my women doctors have never done this before, maybe because I’m young. I’ll ask a doctor next time
But of course it is sometimes necessary.
That can be good