Wie häufig habe ich das Recht auf einen Toilettengang?
Wir fahren Freitag auf eine Team-Building Fahrt ins Ruhrgebiet, mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Die Fahrt dauert ca. 3 Stunden. Ich habe Sorge, dass ich in dieser Zeit mal auf die Toilette muss, das wäre mir ziemlich peinlich. Ich finde jetzt auch so Zug- oder Bahnhofstoiletten nicht so angenehm.
“Dürfen” die denn so eine Fahrt ohne “Toilettenpause” machen, oder genügt es so wie es ist? Weil in manchen Zügen sind ja Toiletten (Am Bahnhof aufs Klo zu gehen wird schwierig. Die längste Umsteigszeit die wir haben sind 10 Minuten)
Toilets are in all trains, you can walk through the train and choose one that looks acceptable to you. If there is a compartment for wheelchair users then take the toilet there, there is more space. You could also drive a train earlier to have more time to change and go there.
The train doesn’t take a break.
And you don’t take the next one just because maybe someone needs pip.
You go to the bathroom on the train if you really have to.
And you can expect from adults that they don’t have to pip 3h.
Just because you don’t want to go to the train toilet, the others don’t have to jump for you. They’ll probably show you a bird.
You always have the right to a toilet break when you need to. Of course, you can’t expect everyone to get out of the train and wait for the next one just because you’ll find pull-tools uncomfortable. Everyone finds it unpleasant. You have to go through that. And if you’re afraid of infections, take a disinfection.
No, I didn’t expect that to get out. It was more about whether a “fixed break” was made in such a time, or whether this is not necessary due to the pull toilets (which are hopefully available)
A three-hour drive by train usually does not take a break.
No, there won’t be a “fixed break.” You’re only on your way for 3 hours. Go ahead and don’t drink so much if it seems too disgusting to you. Then you won’t have to.
If the ride takes only three hours, a “fixed break” doesn’t make any sense at all…
You will need to be satisfied with the train toilet
Simple and gripping – this is “Your” problem. Even if such toilets often go to the limit of the reasonable – they are present and that is enough.
Otherwise, it will be left to you on your own account with your private car.
Train toilets are not so great, but there is a toilet on the way. It’ll have to be enough
How do you imagine this now, total travel time is just three hours and after you seem to have problems with train or train station toilets, you should take a break of two hours after 1 1/2 hours so that you can find a suitable toilet somewhere that is pleasant to you?
No, it’s just the question whether a break is made in between. It is not even possible that all train toilets are functioning or at all there
You realize that there are fixed departure times for the trains, how should you be able to take breaks?
but probably there is no toilet at the stations, then what?
We have to change four times?! 😂