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Wer kann mir helfen?
Ich müsste dringend die Quadratmeter von diesem Grundstück wissen. Ich kann das leider nicht….das ist ein Stück Garten, welches wir mit Kunstrasen auslegen möchten. Es sind keine geraden, sie sind gewölbt. Ganz genau kann ich keine Maßen angeben. Mir würde auch eine ca. Angabe reichen. VG F.Braun
Was habe ich hier falsch gemacht (Mathe)?
Bei der Vereinfachung der Ausdrücke scheint etwas schiefgelaufen zu sein, doch ich weiß nicht was.
If you have already proved that the a_n is strictly monotonically falling, it is enough to prove that the a_0 <= 2 is to show that the 2 must be an upper barrier (why?). a_n - 1 = 1/n > 0, i.e. all a_n > 1 and thus 1 is a lower limit for a_n.
Can you explain to me that please understand this with the formulas not so much please please
Look, I’m staying with you. If you don’t understand, you should consider choosing the right subject for you. You are not even able to formulate your problems and difficulties of understanding independently. That’s never gonna happen.
Mathematics is now at this level formula language, there is no way to go.
If you think it’s really nasty when I tell you that you obviously lack essential foundations then that’s the way. I must live with that.
really nasty got a job tomorrow and can actually do everything except
I can’t do that. I can’t explain it better.
I didn’t understand, please 😭
I wrote you how to get to the 1st.
How to get to the 1 on the 2 I understood you just calculate a0
I can’t explain it better. You obviously lack all the basics, I’m sure I won’t start from the front.
Please explain to me this just really wants a good note
Naja, 1> 1/n >0 for all n and hence 2 = 1 + 1 > 1 + 1/n > 1 + 0 = 1