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The alliance policy triggered a cascade of declarations of war, so that the disaster took its course.
But then F would have had to attack D and not vice versa.. Austria did not require F to attack. I remember that for a long time nothing happened to the F border and D attacked Russia. When everything was regulated in Russia for trick Lenin, they marched into F. And that was the beginning of the end. If they hadn’t done that, they would have come out of Russia as winners with a huge land profit and could have annexed Östereich to Serbia.
There’s something you’ve been messing up with. You should repeat the paper again.
But Germany was allied with Austria and Serbia with Russia. Russia with France and England. France has ordered the mobilization and Germany has declared the war on it.
F wouldn’t be in D. And if they could still have stopped them without England standing on F.
So I mean they had only made a contract in Russia so that Lenin’s troops can fight the fences. They got a lot of land. Because then the troops in the east were no longer needed, they were sent to the west and then F was attacked. Not because F possibly had already come across the border.
In addition, I don’t understand why armies were put together in small space, where it was clear that the whole army of the other country was to be erased, so that it would take over the whole country. D would have succeeded in assigning F to federal states D. What was that?
Then make sure you know when the struggles started in the East and when in the West and when Lenin was brought into Russia with the help of the German Empire.
But that’s exactly what the Emperor has upgraded. The English just said the Germans want to attack over Lake England because of the upgrade of their navy. They didn’t even try it.
Great Britain was protected on the island. And for an invasion army over Lake Germany was too weak as a sea power.
In 1917-1918 the expansion of the British Empire was the greatest of all world empires ever that existed before and after. Nevertheless, they were indirectly engaged with the British army. They fought in France. If they were winning, they wouldn’t have gotten anything from England. So if they were planning to build a world empire they had to attack England directly.
as I said, wait until the French come across the German border. And England wouldn’t have been there. And F, as you noticed, hasn’t… seat war. They knew this would be World War if they did. I don’t think so. Or D deliberately because they wanted world domination. But what contradicts world domination: why not attack Great Britain. They had the biggest world empire at that time.