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Weiß jemand etwas über diese Bibel aus dem Jahre 1884?
Guten Tag an alle die hier auf unterwegs sind. Ich habe heute in einem Geschäft für Opferkerzen,Kruzifixe etc eine Bibel entdeckt die alt aussah und auch in alter Deutscher Schrift geschrieben ist. Als ich später in die Bibel geschaut habe, [Die eigentlich ein gesangs und Gebetsbuch ist] hab ich bemerkt das, das Buch sehr mitgenommen…
Was ändert sich denn bitte zeitlich nicht?
(Streng physikalisch betrachtet)
U4 Herzgeräusch (Systolikum)?
Hallo liebe Mamas, wir waren heute bei der U4 und unser KiA hat beim abhören meines Sohnes ein Herzgeräusch gehört und uns zum Kardiologen überwiesen, der Termin ist erst in 2 Wochen und ich mache mich jetzt schon damit verrückt. Hatten das eure Kinder, hatte jemand damit Erfahrung? ☺️
Was kann ich meiner halbcousine zum Geburtstag schenken?
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Halloween “Süßes oder Saures”?
Hallo 🙂 ich frage mich, wer von euch macht den lieben Kindern eine Freude und macht die Tür auf wenn die kleinen vor eurer Tür stehen? Bei wem haben die verkleideten Kinder heute schon geklingelt? 🙂 wer macht auf und wer nicht? 🙂
Last year was more Lametta!!! 🙂
Happy birthday! R.
I wish you that too.
Do we know each other?
I had suspected it!!!! :-)))
Greetings from Bubo = R. Got this new because Gf sometimes doesn’t run.
We always decorate the Christmas tree with Lametta. It’s just part of it.
There is also a string of lights and colorful balls. The whole thing is tradition.
I have a lush room ambassador, there is hardly a tree in it – so I don’t care about it and instead decorate my flowers.
Christbaum balls are mainly used, as well as light chains. Most balls are small golden, some red and a few silver are also included.
Separate straw stars can also be found. I’m not a friend of Lametta, so it’s completely missing.
It’s old and I’ll take it every year, don’t throw it away.
I like Lametta, because they used to exist and because the nostalgic feelings awaken.
Yes with Lametta but these snakes are not the individual threads.
Never set up a tree
But with little. It’s still from Uroma’s times, postwar. Lead. Be very honored
Post-war goods.. did the needles still have?
Lamette never has needles.
Thank you, too. yes that’s right with layers. Like the paper looks, it’s just as old. We wouldn’t be ironed. I don’t think lead is. Grandma says who “always” so confusing
Sorry, referring to the tree.
With us at home it was with the Lametta. That’s what my mother always hung up on her own, and also took off the leather and laid on folded newspaper paper in layers so that it doesn’t bend and stay straight. Whether it’s been ironed, I’m not quite sure anymore.
Comes well in the New Year!!!
We don’t do that anymore, for a long time.
It is ashamed to call a German tradition as a “mist”.
lessi messi you too
It’s fairy tales.
I find very sympathetic that 50% do not have a Christmas tree 😊
Although I don’t have one, I assume that some of the users do not agree with Christmas tree because they’re sitting in front of them all the time to get along when he has his frighteners. Or they’ll have to get him out and suck needles. RUTSCH!
LOL 😂 or -> they wait until he catches fire and burns the apartment 😂😂😂
It’s not worth it because we’re not home for Christmas.
There’s no room for it.