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3 years ago

I think you should hang your underwear so that any side of the fabric can be stretched.

If you want to save space, you can also use a special storage box for lingerie. Like this one.

The advantage of a lingerie organizer is that it is easy to store, clean and arrange and that you can easily find the desired.

3 years ago

Well, the less fabric hangs on top of each other, the faster it dries.

If you attach the rear cuff to the left and right each with a clamp, it dries most quickly, but is the longest for hanging up and removing the laundry – this is a good thing when you catch 20 slips.

Significantly quicker and still little double-lying fabric for a slow drying is if you only sleep the cuff above the leash. This goes quickly for hanging up and taking off, but is somewhat more unstable and can become problematic when you catch the laundry out with a little more clear wind.

If it is not so important for the drying time, you can also simply hang the slip at the top of the leash, so to speak the side parts hang down and hang on the leash.

3 years ago

You can do what you want, mostly they’re getting dry.

3 years ago

There are no regulations.