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A monitor does not really give a moving picture, but many individual images in a quick sequence.
The refresh rate or update rate indicates how often the screen content can change.
What is the difference between FPS and Refresh Rate?
FPS usually means the number of images per second that your PC or better can calculate the graphics card.
Ideally, one would like to achieve an FPS which corresponds to the updating rate of the screen, otherwise mixed images are produced, with so-called tearing, i.e. image cracks.
That says how many images the monitor can display per second. Usually 60Hz, but now 144Hz (and more) are becoming more and more popular.
What is the difference between FPS and Refresh Rate?
ZaoDaDong has explained that well
I would say that I currently consider more than 240Hz unnecessary and as the “best” combination of beautiful image and liquid reproduction I would take 1440p with 144Hz. At least if the PC is strong enough for it.
(With 1440p I mean the resolution -> 2560×1440 pixels)