Wie handhabt ihr Reklamationen bei Lebensmitteln?

Regelmäßig schmeiße ich Bio Heidelbeeren weg, weil ich in der Packung ein oder zwei verschimmelte Beeren finde 🙁

Letzte Woche habe ich zwei undefinierbare Folienschnipsel in Bio Feigen von dm gefunden.

Gestern öffne ich eine neue Marmelade (Glück) und sie macht nicht “knack”. Schaue rein und sie sieht aus, als hätte da schon jemand mal einen Löffel reingetunkt.

Es nervt und ist ein teures Ärgernis!

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1 year ago

I buy fruit and vegetables only unpacked. If berries are rotten in a pack, what should be done. A foil loop in a foil pack is also not a world fall. Don’t hurt the fruit. As long as the lid from the jam glass does not leak, the jam was okay. Not every Marmelde offers a smooth surface.

You shouldn’t be more pale than your own.

1 year ago
Reply to  GutenTag2019

Because of a bad berries, the whole package does not have to be disposed of. That’s bullshit.

1 year ago

If I find two hidden berries, I’ll throw the two berries away and eat the rest. If I find a slider in organic figs from dm, I throw away the slide, eat the figs, and then buy the figs from the oriental around the corner that imports them directly from Turkey.

The jam is actually strange. There I would dictate that glass in the store and in future choose another brand in another business.

1 year ago

Yes best to buy unpacked food, whether on the weekly market or in good retail… away from discounters

4 months ago

So I always turn right to the manufacturer and have never done bad performances, even the tone already looks like the manufacturer. I do not reglue in the sense, but I ask, for example: how can it be the holes in their toast bread? I’ll send it with pictures

1 year ago

Not everything is organic where it is 👌.::

buy it simply on the market – without plastic tray

1 year ago
Reply to  GutenTag2019

Bring it back when you still have the bong! Don’t change anything that it was bad quality. But it was organic 🤣

1 year ago

Again – where is your problem?
that it was expensive

1 year ago

Where is your problem, that is already ridiculous what people can annoy themselves about, 2 bad berries / a piece of plastic- look right!

There were some tips here, but you’re just talking about how expensive it was.
no one cares