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I think there is a tiny piece of skin punched out with a corresponding tool to then put a flat implant in the wound, and to tighten it up with the ball (here the diamond)
First correct answer thanks 🙏🏻
These are small implants/candles that sit under the skin so that only the stone looks out. (Hab tries to make a rough drawing of what it looks from above and from the side – the black sits in the skin, turquoise is the stone)
Ansich, however, grow out pretty quickly at most or make problems.
oha thanks for the effort
Such piercings do not keep especially good, which are guaranteed to grow out again. The question is just how long it takes – from a few weeks to a few years everything is possible.
Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)
What is a bodymodderin
Someone who professionally split body modifications such as tongue or performs brandings is body modder.
Thank you for the answer
It doesn’t matter. If there’s one with a hard object against it, you can fall, you can faint. You’re easily vulnerable. Sports doesn’t go anymore.
Oh, leave it.
was not the question anyway thank you
I think of Dermal Anchor generally relatively little
I had it myself. But one in the neck pierced under the skin, not one of the times ancholy.He grew out after a few years and unfortunately gave really bad scars.
How to make this happen
Very normal like a belly beak piercing, for example.
There’s a thread and you screw the bullet on it.
Achsooo ok thank you
There’s a small plate under the skin.
But that doesn’t have a “out” as it were. Why does it not just fall out of the skin
It’s an implant.
You get a small mini implant under the skin on which the jewellery comes.
Not particularly ask me why the place is selected to the body.
So rich earrings..
Nothing, not mine at all
The ultimate guide to Dermal Anchor: Everything you need to know! – Bodyartnet Magazin
what is being introduced