Wie hält man einen solchen Job aus?
8 Stunden Post austragen mit dem Fahrrad ( wird aber gestellt ), E Bikes gibt es nur für weiter entferntere Gebiete.
Wenn noch super Wetter ist und man sich körperlich gewöhnt hat finde ich es ja nicht mal schlimm aber im Winter bei Minus Graden, Hochschnee, strömenden Regen ..
Dazu kommt wenn man mal unterwegs auf Klo muss. Wieso tut man sich sowas an ? Man hat doch freie Jobwahl ?
I also have to stop it 10 hours a day at the construction site in any weather
Not all are such mimos as ^
as a woman… wow
well it is not a whole 8 hours before you usually have to sort 1 hour but is also exhausting.
Yes, she works longer than you (man). It is suitable for its money, concrete for concrete and does not melt on an internet platform.
I have little problems, and really heavy things are usually not packed on construction alone
And it’s all a thing of habit even by bicycle driving it would be so clear I was the first days at the time Kaputt in the evening but that was fast
And I’m not alone either I always see colleagues in almost every trade (of course not many but they are there)
Where’s the problem?
physical resilience between man and woman ..?
In which areas of Germany there have been high snow in recent years? Even in the Alps, there was a lack of snow.
Some people like the job. You don’t… Look for something else.