Wie hält man als Raucher einen Langstreckenflug aus?

Wie geht das? Kann man überhaupt ein Feuerzeug in das Handgepäck legen?
Wie kann man als Raucher 12h ohne Zigarette aushalten? Wo kann man da rauchen? Auch am Airport?

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2 years ago

There’s nothing wrong. It doesn’t happen if you don’t smoke. You don’t smoke during your sleep and what happens? Nothing.

Lighters are allowed (no petrol lighters!), even cigarettes. They usually have smokers in their pockets.

Even at the airport you can’t smoke, just outside.

2 years ago

Just like a non-smoker. Just not smoking – and good.

2 years ago

It’s easy. 12h without a problem. The correct problems occur only after 2-3 days, then after a few weeks and then again after about 100 days.

2 years ago

Nicotinkaugummis, nicotine plaster. It’s about nicotine. You don’t have to smoke.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blade94

Nicotine doesn’t even depend. That is why we are talking about tobacco addiction.

2 years ago
Reply to  Etain120

Do you have a source?

2 years ago

You can google yourself. You’ll find many pages.

2 years ago


However, this is not all too serious

Zb here

“Nicotine alone is also not responsible for the intoxicating effect and the associated happiness. The dispensed dopamine in the reward center ensures a new handle to the cigarette.”

So you could talk about any drug of course it is the substance that triggers these feelings ergo also makes the substance addicted

However, I look at this article a little more precisely because as wrong I would not call the jz on the fast first time

2 years ago

Pure and pure nicotine thus not addictive explained

In order to be able to obtain a search, numerous factors must agree with a person or strengthen each other. These include cultural circumstances, psychosocial factors and aspects affecting the consumer’s environment.

With a pure nicotine plaster, no addiction can be caused, but by the consumption of tobacco cigarettes already. The reason for this can be the type of use that comes to bear in the cigarette. The cigarette break, the tip for food or the cigarette after it are ritual factors that support a addiction. However, the reconciliation effect and the associated emotional factor also occur when the consumed cigarette does not contain nicotine at all. Nicotine alone is also not responsible for the intoxicating effect and the associated happiness. The dispensed dopamine in the reward center ensures a new handle to the cigarette.


for example

2 years ago

Lighter in hand luggage in most countries allowed but 12 hours without smoking is bad

2 years ago
Reply to  chb01

I’ve got it for several decades now and I didn’t think it was bad… on the contrary.

2 years ago
Reply to  Florabest

but smoker

2 years ago

You’re not born as a smoker. It was your own decision that you can still correct.

2 years ago

Clear at the airport there are always smoker compartments

2 years ago
Reply to  KnowledgeLover

Clear Zigis can be taken with hand luggage

2 years ago
Reply to  Bascharl

Only in Germany in Dubai. In cancun, rio and ny there is not always warm

2 years ago
Reply to  Thumka

OK I knew I didn’t know

2 years ago

There are nicotine patches. Otherwise you have to pull together…

2 years ago

You can easily sleep during the curse, or use nicotine plaster, nicotine chewing gums