How do whole almonds stick to store-bought gingerbread?
Hello dear people,
I bought some lovely Elisen gingerbread (without icing or chocolate) โ but now I find them too "naked" to give as gifts โ and I want to "stick" whole peeled almonds (I already have them) on them. Unfortunately, I don't know how or what would be best to do this. Does anyone have any ideas or experience? Many thanks and best regards, Moro Sou
You can take chocolate or chocolate glaze and melt it in the water bath. For this you take a small bowl in which you put the chocolate, and then put it in a pot on the stove. In the pot comes water which is heated. The water must not run into the bowl with the chocolate! When the chocolate is melted, it can be applied to the gingerbread with a baking brush or spoon and then the almond can stick with it.
Alternatively, finished sugar glaze also goes out of the tube.
Thank you very much for this detailed answer – but there is no need for chocolate – they should stay as they are – only the almonds should be so star-shaped on it… thank you and LG
Finished sugar glaze is a good idea – then I can only do to the almond bottom – like glue…. thank you and LG
Either glaze or use food adhesive, there is actual ๐
If you are often used for decoration from fondant, you would have to stand regularly at the bakeries in the supermarket.
OK, thank you – I had not heard anything about food adhesive… thank you, I will look for it in the store! I don’t want to glaze because the gingerbread surface – except the almonds – otherwise should stay like that. Thank you and LG
Mix well protein with powdered sugar and a little lemon juice. that gives a beautiful and also tasty adhesive.
Make powder sugar and 1 spoon milk to a thin porridge, with a ๐
With food glue
Sugar, honey, chocolate…