What are your privacy settings on WhatsApp?

What are your experiences with read receipts and last seen status? Do you prefer these features on or off? When you have read receipts enabled, do you only access the chat after replying or before? I have both online status and read receipts enabled. Because I like the blue checkmark and I'm curious. But sometimes it's also stressful. What do you think about it?

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1 year ago

I see when I was last online. Not if I read a message. It’s just stressing me.

1 year ago
Reply to  annie80

I don’t have a WhatsApp. But my messengers offer similar functions. I turned them on, but I don’t care what they’re looking at.

1 year ago

With me, this “function” is switched off.

I do not see myself as the center of the world and I am able to understand that others have their own lives and welcome it if you don’t hang 24/7 on your smartphone, but I also fell off this strange, partly absurd thought by considering the two blue hooks. There’s some nonsens in the head, and I want to prevent it.