Wie habt ihr euer/eure Instrument/e gelernt?


Mich interessiert, wie ihr euer Instrument bzw. Instrumente gelernt habt.

z.B. selber beigebracht, Musikschule, von einem Freund/Freundin etc. oder was auch immer?

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1 year ago

I’m playing drums. I’ve learned this for years with a teacher. Three years of piano lessons I had as a bub, was long ago. Gruss

1 year ago

My instrument is my voice. She was trained at the music school.

I was too lazy for an instrument.

1 year ago

Acoustic guitar about my son who has been playing since his eighth year of life and taught me the basics. Then youtube-videos continue to music. Learned with the help of Peter Bursch Pfpftechniken and then moved me to fingerstyle with a trained teacher.

1 year ago

Hi I had lessons with 3 different private teachers

1 year ago

I play guitar, ukulele and drums and taught myself everything

10 months ago

Cello and recorder in the music school

1 year ago

Cross flute with a music teacher. Guitar, Tin Whistle and Kalimba

1 year ago

I had in my school on the afternoon always chorus and gitarren classes there I have a bit what learned but much I have actually learned about youtube videos that is the best way it goes the fastest and costs nothing

1 year ago

I was in music school

1 year ago

First of all, the father (Amateur) was strongly influenced by a classically trained couple of parents (Dresdner grand piano), but was an end60 ’70 rebel (Hendrix/Clapton generation), after that I got to hear everything trying to dull out what was fluttered into the house jazz; (from Jimmy Page, over Uriah Heep with Mick Box, Brian May, Def Leppard, instrumental later then Instr. a further admission examination passed with study place.

1 year ago

I’ve taught drums to myself in the beginning. Later I went to various drum teachers to perfect my games.

I have been playing acoustic guitar for 4 years. Mostly in the truck : ) . I am still very early.
Can only very simple things:)

All that goes beyond A, E, C, G, EM, AM, D gives me some trouble 😂.


1 year ago

Piano in a Russian piano school from four years.

1 year ago

(Private school)

11 months ago

have learnt lighter or better I learn. first by a music teacher, then a few years themselves with the necessary basic knowledge. then again to a teacher cirka 3 years then studied at an academy 3 years or 6 semesters on performance. in the end, the instrument itself is taught. the teacher can only help you eliminate your errors faster and can recognize if anything does not run round and what it is and how you can fix it. but only with daily training and hard work is understood.

1 year ago

Cello and oboe with teachers, I want to be right.

Punching on the piano with my mom or over yt