Wie habt ihr es geschafft mit dem rauchen aufzuhören?

Ich bin erst 18 jahre alt, ich rauche leider schon seitdem ich 14 bin, das erste mal wurde ich gezwungen zu rauchen und dann fings an.. Ich möchte unbedingt aufhören da ich viel kraftsport mache, möchte auch mit cardio anfangen und brauche eine bessere ausdauer, auch wegen dem geld und meiner gesundheit allgemein.. Was hat euch geholfen? wie habt ihr es geschafft?

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2 years ago

Through my objective and discipline

You can also stay there anytime. Make yourself smart under discipline and apply what’s good for your format.

Then inform yourself about lung cancer and loss of performance in any area by smoking, so you show the time when the addiction comes – who the boss is in your body..

You, with a great body.

Or the pig in you that doesn’t want to let you get up in every area

Also the tip of.. *PSYCHO with the gum is not bad

2 years ago

Try not to smoke, take nicotine gums as a substitute. Less and less smoke, then the nicotine gums and then change to normal gums. So one of the withdrawals should fall easier.

Many greetings and successes 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  melissa447


2 years ago

So for me, that was never a problem. Just stopped.

I lived as a child in a home. And I was the only child there that was at the real school. They, at my age, were all at the special school and the older at the primary school.

Accordingly, I was always with the older ones and then, in order to listen to them, smoked with them (from 9 years to 12 years) and also stole them because I was still criminal.

When I was released, I just stopped. Then I didn’t have much other choice, because I had no contact with the older ones and then found friends of the same age.

And since I never really smoked a lot, it was never a problem for me to stop.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

I never really smoked and didn’t have to stop. Know this page. Maybe there’s something for you: Tips for your smoke stop, https://rauchfrei-info.de/aufhoeren/tipps-fuer-ihre-rauchstopp/

Good luck!

2 years ago

With an e-cigarette. At least I don’t need the much more harmful cigarettes anymore. And the nicotine content in the e-cigarette can be determined freely. I come out with a very low dose. 20mg to a 1ml go maximum. I just got 1.5mg to 1ml.

2 years ago

With the detour via an e-cigarette (which is steamed) the stop is easier and safer than a cold nicotine withdrawal.

The nicotine quantity can be reduced to zero with time.

If you have any questions, which e-cigarette asks me.

2 years ago

I didn’t even begin.