Wie haben sich die Leute in den 80ern und 90ern ernährt?

Ich bin 2000 geboren und kann es mir deshalb nur vorstellen, aber soweit ich es mitbekommen habe, waren die Menschen in den 80’s and 90’s hauptsächlich normal, bis dünn gebaut. (So schließe ich zumindest aus den Jugendbildern meiner Eltern und aus Dokumentationen, sowie Filmen und Serien)

Was hatten die Leute für eine Lebensweise, welche sich so stark von der heutigen unterscheidet?

Mittlerweile ist ja der großteil der Bevölkerung übergewichtig.

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2 years ago

There are no such differences.

There was no finished food from the supermarket. You might have to arrive at burger chains 30 kilometers and more. Warm food at noon actually only existed at the butcher’s counter or fish shop.

And people could prepare their own food. You can still do it today, but unfortunately there are fewer. And that’s the new one. The 20,000 generations before us still knew what was on their teller. For a few decades we have to read ingredients lists.

2 years ago

No, even then there were overweight people. But they have fed themselves healthier because there were not so much finished products that are preserved with much chemistry. There were probably also not so many Fast Fut offers.

People have cooked more with fresh food and often had a more conscious handling of food.

What was exactly going on in the 80s in the Federal Republic of Germany, unfortunately, is getting out of my knowledge, because I grew up in the GDR, as there are only a few finished products anyway and these were hardly burdened with chemistry. The GDR citizen has lived healthier in comparison with West citizens. Today this has largely been matched. We still try to cook with fresh food at home as often as possible, but sometimes it has to go fast. LG Lazarius

2 years ago

At that time there were still proper french buds, and one has not always considered which diet is “healthy” or not. Proteinomanie was a completely unknown disease, and “Superfood” did not exist.

Only that a diet has to be in every issue of every woman’s magazine was just like today.

2 years ago

I know there was a real health trend in the 90s. Fitness was also popular.

In any case it was cooked more often, instead of fast food or ready meals. There was already, but it was very rare.

2 years ago

Time travel through the worst diet trends in history

From Lord Byron’s vinegar diet to the corsets of the Kardashian Clan: humanity has been possessed for centuries by the idea of losing weight as quickly as possible. No matter how. (Not my text)


LG and hope I could help

2 years ago

Fresh for more expensive food. No flatrate eating. Ready-made dishes were also unusual. Food was more appreciated. For cost reasons you also went less food(1x a month max) meat there was 1-2x a week.

Football on the village square instead of Netflix. Family hike instead of Playstation on Sunday.

Roofing and welding instead of in front of the PC pay pushing.

Think about the movement rather than eating.

2 years ago

Not unlike today, I would suspect. But my mother sometimes tells me that the portions were smaller than today. There were four or five people sharing a court that eats one alone today. And it was eaten less in between, but rather with the family at fixed times.

We got an old service inherited from my original, where the normal plates are as big as our cake plates and salad bowls as big as muesli dishes… It is a well-known dietary tip to use smaller plates because you automatically eat less.

2 years ago

We ate at the table above all. Morning dinner, hot lunch, small and early dinner.

Today one eats all day, is tempted at every corner and many finished products with many bad fats (transfette).

In the past there were also plenty of vegetables, meat and fish and fewer carbohydrates – which make only thick and sown condition.

Protein (vegan/nonvegan) with vegetables and healthy fats such as coconut fat or rapeseed oil would not be bad today under the term fitness plate.

2 years ago

In the past, a lot more has been moved, you must not forget

2 years ago

We fed up quite “normal” – but usually without fast food! 🙂

Difference to today is certainly that we were only out all day and have moved us. In the 1980s (when I was young), I was actually just to eat, do homework and sleep home!

Otherwise, I was on the outside – in wind and weather! Rolling shoe running, cycling, playing football, playing/climbing in the woods, walking through the area, helping in the garden at work and what else you did… etc.

In the 1990s, I always went to college! That was only 3.5km back and 3.5km back! In the evening I had 3x a week football training and a game on the weekend. < < < < < < < < < > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < >

TV, etc. I didn’t have anything – I wouldn’t have needed – and smartphones didn’t exist yet! ^^+gg So I was always on the move and could put garkein fat … have simply built up “next” muscles!

2 years ago
Reply to  PeterP58

Otherwise, I was on the outside – in wind and weather! Rolling shoe running, cycling, playing football, playing/climbing in the woods, walking through the area, helping in the garden at work and what else you did… etc.

That’s what I experienced in my childhood. I believe that there were no major differences in East and West. GLG Lazarius.

2 years ago

I think it is more of today’s lack of movement

Zi of our time you do homework u d then went out to play or to swim or — and not with m phone to the sofa

2 years ago

Less consumption

2 years ago

Just like today.