How did the Crusaders behave towards the Muslims and what were their motives?
Hello! I've just read the following text from the work of Usama ibn Munquid, but I don't know how to answer this question (see above). Can someone help me?
Anyone new to the Frankish territories has cruder customs than those who have already become accustomed to the land and live alongside the Muslims. The following story testifies to the moral crudeness of the Franks—may Allah make them ugly: When I visited Jerusalem, I often went to the al-Aqsa Mosque, next to which is a small mosque that the Franks had converted into a church. When I entered the al-Aqsa Mosque, where my friends, the Knights Templar, were, they left me alone in that small mosque so that I could pray. One day, I went there again, said, "Allah is great," and stood up for prayer. Then one of the Franks fell upon me, grabbed me, and turned my face to the east. "This is how you must pray!" he shouted. The Templars came back and took him out. Then they apologized to me: "He's still a stranger. He arrived from Franconia only a few days ago. He's never seen anyone who doesn't pray facing east!" "I've prayed enough!" I said, and went out. I was surprised by that devil! His face had changed color, and he was frightened when he saw me praying facing Mecca.
Once I saw a Frank approach the blessed Emir Mu'inad-Din while he was staying in the Dome of the Rock. He asked the Emir, "Do you want to see God as a boy?" The Emir replied affirmatively. The Frank walked ahead of me until he showed us the picture of Mary and the Messiah—hail him—as a boy in her womb. "That is God as a child!" said the Frank. High is God above what the unbelievers claim!
Europe was influenced by intolerance during the period of the crusades. The inquisition had its peak in Spain.
It was disputed about the interpretation of the Bible and in the Byzantine Empire, the leaders and opponents of icons fought against each other.
Of course there were with Emperor Friedrich II. a positive exception. He was a very educated ruler and therefore unloved at the Popes of his timeörderung-Jerusalems.html
The Templars had also learned in the Holy Land and became more tolerant. That’s what I think is good in your text. This tolerance has probably contributed to the fact that the French king was able to destroy the temple orders with the help of the Popes.
The Muslims were allowed to exercise religion largely freely and their own jurisdiction was granted. In contrast to the other Christian denominations, the Catholic “Franken” (so the crusaders were called mainly in Arabic sources) were quite tolerant.,arabic%20source%20)%20throughout%20tolerant.
I can’t see anything except good-made Islam advertising. The story should not correspond to the truth.
Then Allah should stand here and not God.
For Allah (Koran) is not the God of the Bible. Allah has no son. God against it – Jesus Christ.