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2 years ago

The Sword – a status symbol

Viking sword (unbent) with elaborate silver exchanges

Swords do not bend

No, the swords of the Vikings do not bend fast, quite on the contrary, these swords as well as their successors are to the early modern age, flexible and jump back into their forged form.

In the early Middle Ages such swords were very, very expensive.

For comparison:

A sword with armaments of quality as on the picture corresponded to the value of a farm. The farm complete: with all buildings and furniture, with all tools, supplies, with all animals and all slaves.

No one would ever have been so stupid to spend so much for a weapon that quickly bends.

Of course, there was and when there was scrap. But this will have been very rare and people at that time will have recognized such a low-quality weapon as scrap immediately. Finally, your own life depends on it.

Maybe that’s why you think:

Such bent swords were actually found, mainly in former bogs, e.g. the Nydamfund. But these swords were bowed with intent and effort to sacrifice them to the gods. These finds originate centuries before the Vikings, but look quite similar. Maybe that’s why you heard that somewhere.

1 year ago

The Vikings have more axe than heavier benust swords were very expensive at that time and only what rich except that their swords had no parir sticks because they had Ales with the shield. I have a bad spell.