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I like peanut butter on bread with banana, with jam and I also like to take peanut butter for cooking, e.g. porridge sliced, simmered in water, slightly salted and finally stirred a large tablespoon of peanut butter.
With banana is unbelievably good
I’m combining tomato, that’s so refreshing
I’ve never tried it with tomato!
In addition to peanut butter, Tahini (Sesammus) is also something very special.
I have tomato in the garden and eat those most directly from shrub or let cherry tomatoes get warm to hot in the vegetable pan without bursting. When you get on, it’s a taste explosion 😂.
Hi. She tastes delicious. But every day I couldn’t eat you. That would be really disgusting.
I haven’t arrived yet
But it depends on the brand. The best so far I have from South Africa. She always had them for breakfast and then took me a big pack.
Peanut butter is great 😍
Peanut is still great 😍😍😍 100% peanuts no fat for stretching…
Both I choose crunchy
I tried that was funny
What did you just try 😯 and what did they do with it 😬😅 mine was always 🥰
I love the shit! But I don’t get pickles like any other food…
The foodspring is best <3
not necessarily
does that have to?
I don’t like that much too bold
I need a kcal from 3000-4000 I need it
Can you have something from my bacon 😉
I do not eat