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Coming into the area: Is the art or can it go away. Personally, I don’t find it well drawn or a creative idea. It was drawn. It gets even worse when you enlarge it. Then you can see that it was pieted without love. :
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that.
To say that it was spun without love, I find it disrespectful. I also painted it like this a few years ago and I just couldn’t do it better. I’ve had a lot of trouble
Personally, it doesn’t matter what you think. I don’t come up with your statement either. I find it disrespectful that you do not accept my testimony to the picture.
The only one to say is the questioner. I’d like to take this apart.
Hey, thanks for your honest criticism
All right. It radiates colorful life and a flower. Flowers are always something positive 🙂
It’s not my style, but it’s good.
Find me very nice
Very nice 🥰 have talent ☺️😊
How old is the artist?
Bin 14 haha
It’s good for 14 years. I like the background very well. But the colors of the flower could have been a bit brighter and for that, with the leaves on the stem a little less blue. From painting images, you can learn a lot.
In this case, one can work with light and shadow to expose the stem or leaves from the background.
The “less blue” would make the stem and the leaf of the sunflower disappear in the background, so not so easy.