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Ist die Münze eine Fehlprägung?
Die Aufschrift “Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit” ist kaum zu Lesen. Prägejahr 2024
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Darf man als 12 jähriger einen 70€ Pieper Gutschein kaufen ohne Erlaubnis der Eltern?
Hallo, undzwar hat mein Sohn ohne Erlaubnis einen 70€ Pieper Gutschein vor Ort gekauft gehabt, diese sollte ein Geschenk sein, aber 70€ ist schon viel zu viel und ich finde es sehr ärgerlich das man einem kleinen Jungen sowas für so einen großen Betrag verkauft. Habe ich ein Recht darauf es zurück zu geben, um…
Wenn ich ein Kredit beantrage, muss ich dann mein Arbeitsvertrag denen zeigen 🤔🤔🤔?
Meine Schwester sagt , sie musste nur die letzten 3 Lohnabrechnungen und die letzten 3 Kontoauszüge vorlegen
The inheritance tax is certainly the tax on which the widest range of opinions is possible.
In principle, heir is made up of assets that have already been taxed, so it would be quite legitimate to leave the inheritance tax completely out of place. The legislator is certainly not in any case in the case of inheritance tax, there are no exceptions and allowances, for example in the case of the transfer of company, in the case of self-used homes, etc., where an inheritance tax would cause undesirable collateral damage, because companies would have to be liquidated (= job loss) or houses would have to be sold only in order to be able to pay the tax.
On the other hand, it is natural that the heirs have not done a handshake for the inheritance – only if a tax improves this circumstance?
One could certainly also let the heritage fall to the state, but what would change the saving and consumption behaviour sustainably, apart from the problems already described at the beginning. It is also difficult that fortune does not necessarily have to lie in the country …
The simplest solution would actually be to abolish the inheritance tax, as it is today, it first meets the little people …
It’s not always an inheritance tax. It is subject to certain conditions.
Although this was already taxed.
But, for example, the 49,00 € ticket is also paid, so enter the household.
Considering when inheritance tax is payable this is very useful
idR’s inheritance has contributed nothing significant to being nett to the neighbor in order to dust off money does not count.
The allowances in the straight line are relatively high, and the least likely are much.
The legacy has generated the money and allows the inheritors to live without work up to 70 or precarious working conditions such as Amazon or as a parcel driver. Of course, 10 million are another house number, but everything up to 1 million should be tax-free.
“The estateer has generated the money and enables the inheritors to live without work”
If it is super, the average wage tax can be charged with inheritance tax.
That would be a good idea.
Whether a tax is perceived as good or bad is purely subjective. The state’s tax needs to perform its tasks – for us – is unquestionable. Whether it makes sense to tax something is also discuable. But I would rather interpret your question as to whether this tax is accurate and whether it is still perceived as just. In the dark winter evenings you can spend a lot of time reading who and why someone is there. Have fun
I think she’s robbery.
One thing that has been taxed 1000 times is taxed again.
Not good. The charges are high enough.
Besides, everything was already taxed.
Not good. The inherited property has been taxed several times before.
You didn’t do anything for the heritage….
The winner did nothing for a (possibly high) lottery win.
But the inheritance already.
But someone else. It shouldn’t hurt the state. (I don’t take this personally. Haven’t inherited anything so far, and it won’t be in the foreseeable time either.
How do you know if he did something or not?
If the case he inherits a holding must sell it to pay the tax and the workers must be issued – cui bono?
You need money to finance the stupid decisions of politicians.
e. the inclusion of asylum seekers or taxpayers’ allowances to Pleitebanks and companies.
Ah therefore the brown wind
Dumb is just your comment
But basically the same thing: someone is lucky to win or inherit.
Bad example, a lottery win is not even controllable.