Wie gut ist der Impfstoff Johnson Johnson, warum reicht es da nur einmal geimpft zu sein?

Habe gehört er soll nicht so gut sein, aber man muss sich nur einmal impfen

Pfizer will ich nicht kenne 5 leiten die davon ein Ausschlag bekommen haben.

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2 years ago

It’s not enough to be vaccinated with J&J for a long time. The effectiveness of J&J is less than that of the mRNA vaccines, and in contrast to the mRNA vaccines, it has not been adapted to the new variants. In the vaccination centres in my area, you can’t get J&J anymore.

2 years ago

Who is vaccinated once is not considered to be completely vaccinated. In order to be regarded as completely vaccinated, three vaccinations or two vaccinations are required and a supernatant infection is additionally required.

2 years ago

corrects me if I’m wrong but is johnson&johnson not a mrna impstoff??

2 years ago

Don’t do it. The opinion was before the vaccinations were needed.

2 years ago

The vaccine has another mechanism of action – therefore.

That thing’s two years old now. What are you gonna get from the clothes box? The vaccine has been made for the original variant and is now no longer used.

Anyone who has not yet vaccinated is either dead or has already been involved in the infection and has Long Covid or has passed over it without damage. In most of the variants above, the vaccination would have helped.